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    I'm personally glad that you like our forum. I've been here since 2007, shortly after installing Kubuntu Edgy Eft! The support I received here was instrumental in my transition from Windows to Linux. In my own way, I've have tried to repay that kindness by being and active member, and some while back, being permitted to join the ranks of those that help to administer KFN.
    During that time I was using Xandros 1 through 4 until they sold out and stopped releasing new versions of the distro. I was an active member on the Xandros forum where I got my help and start in Linux. Those were the days....

    I tried Fedora 8, but it was too bleeding edge for me. Then I went to Kubuntu 6 somethingorother, and have stayed with it since. Most of my time has been spent in another non-Canonical general Linux forum after I quit the Xandros forum in protest.

    As to making a possible contribution, a note on the home page somewhere, or a link at the bottom might be enough. I usually use Paypal for that.


    Linux: Powerful, open, elegant. Its all I use.



      I've increased the file size limits to 1Mb on the supported file types.
      Now I'll try hard not to exceed that.

      Much thanks to all of you.

      Linux: Powerful, open, elegant. Its all I use.


        I see you are 'manually' quoting. Have you tried clicking on the 'Reply With Quote' yet? And, if you want to quote from multiple posts within the thread, click on the "+ in each post you want quoted.
        Windows no longer obstructs my view.
        Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
        "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


          Originally posted by Snowhog View Post
          I've made a suggestion to the rest of the Administrators on a way to allow members to contribute financial support to KFN, while at the same time not being offensive to those who find 'requests for donations' not to their liking.
          I'm all for this option, but rather than present it as a 'request for donations' quite simply, all I need is the function.
          Kubuntu 12.04 - Acer Aspire 5750G

          "I don't make a great deal of money, but I'm ok with that 'cause I don't hurt a lot of people in the process either"



            Have you tried clicking on the 'Reply With Quote' yet?
            I can't find a button labeled that way. Can you send me a screenshot? (LOL)

            Seriously, however, I've looked at all the buttons, and I don't see anything labeled that way. I only see the speech bubble on the extreme right side of the icons, and that is what I have been using.

            Teach me.

            Linux: Powerful, open, elegant. Its all I use.



              I'm all for this option, but rather than present it as a 'request for donations' quite simply, all I need is the function.
              Yeah, I'm for that too. Just give me a way to use PayPal to do it, and I'll use it.

              I see you are using 12.04 already? Just experimenting, or really using it?

              I've got it on a couple of spare machines, but I'm still using 11.10 on my production machines at home, and 8.04 on my shop machines (which Canonical is still updating, bless their hearts). I use Google Desktop Search on the office machines, and it won't run on 11.10. I don't find Nepomuk up to the task yet. Google's product was slick.

              Linux: Powerful, open, elegant. Its all I use.


                Originally posted by Frank616 View Post
                I can't find a button labeled that way. Can you send me a screenshot? (LOL)

                Seriously, however, I've looked at all the buttons, and I don't see anything labeled that way. I only see the speech bubble on the extreme right side of the icons, and that is what I have been using.

                Teach me.

                Here's the screenshot.
                Attached Files
                Windows no longer obstructs my view.
                Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
                "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


                  Originally posted by Snowhog View Post
                  Here's the screenshot.
                  Aha! Looking in the wrong place!

                  I'll give this a try in the future and learn how it works. Thanks!


                  (I see I just got a new Kubu gear for my 50th post!)
                  Linux: Powerful, open, elegant. Its all I use.


                    Originally posted by Frank616 View Post
                    Ole Juul: I understand. I just didn't see the relevance. Sorry.
                    No problem.

                    Until the day they decide to reorganize and/or delete their remote images, and the link in the forum gets broken, and the thread then loses much of its value, or even all of its value if we accept your statement that the thread is of little value without the link.
                    Of course the value depends on the picture. However, when I look at the forum archives, I don't see any pictures. I think they get stripped. How long posts remain up before they turn into "archives" I don't know, but a working link to another source would be useful in that case.

                    At which point the lurker sees the value in becoming a member perhaps? I would hope that the thread would be totally meaningless without seeing the linked file so that the fence sitters are encouraged to join.
                    Hehe. I see your point in encouraging people to join. But think of all the times you search the net for solutions and read forum posts. For me that would be many times a day. Should I join all those forums every day? Despite my best wishes, I would not even be able to contribute to them all in a meaningful way. If everyone that reads a forum once were to join, the membership list would be unwieldy, despite there only being a few regular posters.

                    Also, as I hinted at earlier, I personally have difficulty navigating this forum while logged in. To see an attachment, I would log in, read the post, then log out and continue reading. It appears that others have another way of doing it, but I don't seem to be able to find one that works for me.

                    Sorry, that was meant as "I don't see the point here". I never considered this to be an argument. My apologies if I came across that way.

                    I'm relativley new here, so I hope that I am not making a nuisance of myself. I do serve as an assistant sysop in another Linux forum, however, so please don't judge me too harshly. I hope to get to know everyone here better as time goes on, and become an asset to this forum, rather than an irritant.

                    Thanks for taking the time to respond, You are obviously a contributor here. I hope that I can be as valuable as you as time goes on.

                    You are certainly not making a nuisance of yourself! Please accept my apologies in return if I didn't sound so friendly. Yes, I have contributed here, and that is partly because I tend to make a commitment to a forum. (I have been away for a while though.) The level of expertise here is very (in fact unusually) high and that is what attracted me in the first place. I only wish I could contribute more, but clearly will not be able to reach the level of expertise that our top posters have. They are simply in a different league from me. One problem is that I am not keeping up with the releases since they seem to be coming faster than I can cope with. I'm still running 8.04 on this machine, and older versions of Ubuntu server on a couple of others.

                    - Ole


                      Ole Juul:

                      I personally have difficulty navigating this forum while logged in. To see an attachment, I would log in, read the post, then log out and continue reading.
                      Now I understand better. I find the opposite. I can't get around properly without logging in. The interface does change markedly depending on whether one is logged in or not.

                      Yes, I have contributed here, and that is partly because I tend to make a commitment to a forum.
                      The level of expertise here is very (in fact unusually) high and that is what attracted me in the first place.
                      I only wish I could contribute more, but clearly will not be able to reach the level of expertise that our top posters have. They are simply in a different league from me.
                      Same here.

                      One problem is that I am not keeping up with the releases since they seem to be coming faster than I can cope with. I'm still running 8.04 on this machine,
                      I've been keeping up, but out of necessity rather than desire. KDE4.x has been such a work in progress that I had to upgrade regularly just to get around all its warts. I think things have stabilized now, however, and I look forward to staying with 12.04 for a long time. Even if I do continue to upgrade, I find Canonical's new releases much more polished than those of Fedora. I'm still running 8.04 on the machines at my small business, but more because I rely on Google desktop search than anything else. Google has stopped developing it, and it no longer works on 11.10. Nepomuk / Strigi have a long way to go before they even approach being in the same league.

                      Please accept my apologies in return if I didn't sound so friendly.
                      Not at all. It was your polite manner that made me realize _I_ may have come across as harsh.

                      Linux: Powerful, open, elegant. Its all I use.


                        Thanks for increasing the attachments limit to 1MB!

                        If space does become an issue, part of the solution might be pruning older attachments (older than 1 year say; via a vbulletin database query) - or setting total attachment space per user - I think vb has some support from that (though it will probably turn out to be an add-on, as with most of the vb features I get excited about!).
                        I'd rather be locked out than locked in.

