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Reporting Abuse

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    Re: Reporting Abuse

    I don't really think its a security problem. More like a feature that has been abused. That being said pm's should be limited to the amount you can send in a day.


      Re: Reporting Abuse

      I sure hope something gets done to rout this problem from happening again
      there is no place in the Linux community for people like this one
      {must be a windoz fanatic)
      but thanks for deleting his pm but arg!! i still got it in the e-mail
      what a nasty M*****F***** > > >
      he needs to be jailed that is all there is to it
      Other than this I find the forums helpful and the distro very good
      hate to give it up
      thanks again for fixing this guy


        Re: Reporting Abuse

        I have given Moderators more power including banning users. I am sorry this happened everyone, and I will be changing registration to requiring activation by email. I am still out of town and am using a public library. I will be back on the 8th of August but will try to get internet as often as possible.


          Re: Reporting Abuse

          Hate to be all AOL about this, but me too >


            Re: Reporting Abuse

            Thanks Open Source. I believe that giving the moderators more power moderate is the right thing to do. I think we all learn from the problems presented. The Kubuntu forum is a new one and will evolve with experience. This has just been the first battle.

            Now back to scanning the posts for tips and problems solved for much needed info for this linux novice. The last year has been interesting.


            Originally posted by Open Source
            I have given Moderators more power including banning users. I am sorry this happened everyone, and I will be changing registration to requiring activation by email. I am still out of town and am using a public library. I will be back on the 8th of August but will try to get internet as often as possible.


              Re: Reporting Abuse

              wow, I wasn't expecting so many other people to get hit. I was only hit twice, or "cocked" as someone put it hehe.

              No I don't think it was a windows fanatic, just a bot that goes to any vulnerable forum. It was shocking but not as annoying as the OEM software spam I consistently get. And it all started the day I registered my copy of Windows XP OEM. Now that's fishy.

              Thanks to Open Source for putting a plug on that bot, the situation could of been worse if the bot sent dozens more to each member.
              I'm sad to hear that someone's kids saw it Stupid internet pornography!

