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Do we need a separate "Distribution Showdown" section?

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    Do we need a separate "Distribution Showdown" section?

    Title says (or asks) it all. Do we need it? Can't it just mix it together with the "Anything" section? I don't see any particular reason to put it in a separate section. It would also lessen confusion as to where to post some topics. For example, if you posted something like "SimplyMEPIS 6 is out", a simple post sharing the fact that it's been released, could be placed in the Anything section. But then a thread like that will inevitably end up with some comparison and/or debate about different distros, so it could also be placed in the Distribution Showdown section.

    Just my thoughts. In the case that a forum re-organization would happen soon.
    Jucato's Data Core

    Re: Do we need a separate &quotistribution Showdown" section?

    Well the Anything forum is for off topic purpose of life type stuff. The geek news is for tech stuff not pertaining to Kubuntu (new electronics, new hardware, etc.). The distro showdown is for anything Operating system related. But if you think it would help to consolidate...what does everyone else think?


      Re: Do we need a separate &quotistribution Showdown" section?

      If that's what the Distribution Showdown section is for the I guess it's ok to keep it. Only, I think we should change the name and description of that section. Right now, it's description is "Compare and Debate different Linux distros", which would probably exclude Windows, BSD, etc., which are also OS related topics.

      I've always thought that the Anything section is really about anything. I guess I just got used to the ubuntuforums Ubuntu Cafe section. Sorry 'bout that.
      Jucato's Data Core

