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Is registration TOO DIFFICULT?

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    Is registration TOO DIFFICULT?

    Across on someone has made a post entitled: captcha broken in kubuntu forums

    Their answers are listed. Unfortunately, to the question ""What major ocean exists between Asia and North America?:" their answer is Atlantic and not Pacific.

    Is registration just too complicated and difficult for some?
    "A problem well stated is a problem half solved." --Charles F. Kettering
    "Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple."--Dr. Seuss

    Re: Is registration TOO DIFFICULT?

    Technically it is one of the oceans between north america and asia but the point is taken


      Re: Is registration TOO DIFFICULT?

      Maybe it is an IQ test! (just kidding!)
      "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
      – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


        Re: Is registration TOO DIFFICULT?

        You can satisfy all of the people some of the time, and some of the people all of the time. But, you can never satisfy all of the people all of the time.

        It has been suggested that there be a link on the registration page that one could click if they are having problems with registration. I just checked, and no such link (yet) exists. OS, are you listening?

        I think it would be a good idea to incorporate such a link, clearly visible and identified, so that anyone who was having difficulty registering for KFN, could just click and explain their problem, and have the email go to those Global Moderators who have expressed to OS (our host) that they don't mind being in the list of contact-ees. The link would contain a 'dummy' KFN email address, and it would direct the email to actual email addressees.
        Windows no longer obstructs my view.
        Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
        "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


          Re: Is registration TOO DIFFICULT?

          Plug my name into that list...
          "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
          – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


            Re: Is registration TOO DIFFICULT?

            anyone care to code this bit? would need to figure out the correct template to edit, and the code needed to email Mods - I don't have time atm, but maybe if I find a moment I can look at it this weekend (which right now consists of a few hours on Saturday )


              Re: Is registration TOO DIFFICULT?

              What's wrong with just answering Pacific? It's not like that's offensive or anything.


                Re: Is registration TOO DIFFICULT?

                I am very confused...I have taken more time than should be necessary to think up the questions whenever I have to change them. I am careful to make the answers so obvious that this sort of issue doesn't come up. I am also careful not to make it all about the USA so as not to offend anybody from other parts of the world. A simple look at a world map would help any geographically challenged person. (Please note, I am not trying to be sarcastic)

                With that said, I completely understand why we need a contact link on the registration page. I also understand that it is quite possible this user answered the questions and when registration failed didn't bother to look at his/her answers but instead assumed there is some other issue going on... I have done that many times in writing code...(for example, instead of checking for a missing semi-colon or a loop that starts at 1 instead of 0, you check your algorithm thinking there is something much bigger wrong )

                I will try to come up with a link on the registration page because I agree, if you can't register, you can ask a question about registering.


                  Re: Is registration TOO DIFFICULT?

                  Maybe accepting multiple correct answers would help too.

                  People could answer:
                  4 or four to the math question

                  People could answer:
                  the pacific, pacific, pacific ocean, north pacific, north pacific ocean,

                  I think that would take most trouble away (and yes, i had some difficulties registering )


                    Re: Is registration TOO DIFFICULT?

                    What I'm about to say will be taken as 'crass', 'uncaring', or any other manner of negative adjective.

                    If someone isn't smart enough to figure out the answers to the questions - and they are not difficult questions! - then they don't deserve to gain an account on KFN. Face it; there are going to be people that won't ever get the correct answers to any questions asked. That's life. If our host, OS, makes the questions to simple, then we end up back where we were some time back, with a rash of BOTs getting accounts and posting all sorts of nasty stuff here in KFN.

                    Windows no longer obstructs my view.
                    Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
                    "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


                      Re: Is registration TOO DIFFICULT?

                      At the funeral of my best (oldest) friend last Thursday I met an old friend (now 80) who was a faculty member at the college where I taught. (He is no dummy. He holds a PhD. He taught Literature and English. I taught the sciences and math). He asked me about a problem he was having with his HP laptop running Windows. He was fully updated with Norton AV (and remarked that he hated paying the subscriptions because he was on a limited retirement income) but he kept getting virus messages. After some questions it was obvious that he had a virus, and possibly a keyboard logger as well. I suggested that he contact his bank, CC companies and various online accounts by phone and change his passwords.

                      He asked what I use.

                      Now, we've made plans for me to go to his house (50 miles west of here) and replace Windows with Kubuntu on his HP laptop. Friday I sent him an email asking what the make and model of his laptop is. He said it as HP "something", but couldn't find the model number. I sent him a second email suggesting that he create a folder called "c:\migration" with sub-directories called "documents", "videos", "pictures" and "music". Then drag and drop the files from the other areas of his harddrive that he wanted to preserve into the appropriate sub-folders under "migration". Then, drag the migration folder to his CDROM drive letter and drop them there. I went into great, step-wise detail on how to do that whole process. The email I got back was
                      You have no idea what a novice computer user you are dealing with! I don't think I have the know-how to do any of the things you suggest. Sorry I can't be of more help, but computers came along when I had long passed the age to comprehend their language or their use!
                      Yet, he uses them!

                      I will be making his backups when I get there next Saturday. I will also have to take along a 32bit and a 64bit copy of Kubuntu. I'm thinking Maverick to avoid the heavy upgrading that using Lucid will cause, and the upgrade to KDE 4.5.1. Maverick will be on top of that. But, is Medibuntu ready for Maverick? I haven't checked yet, and I suspect he will have the inverted web cam problem, too. I will be bringing a Logitech C260 USB webcam just in case. I will also be taking a couple thumb drives with a LiveUSB on them. I will MAKE SURE he can has a Skype account and can use Skype before I leave. And, I will make sure he is registered here before I leave for home.

                      There are a lot of people like this fellow, and like several others of my "older users group", who want to use computers but can't (or don't) want to fuss with them. They are minimalists for what ever reason. That's why I use a "it just works" distro.

                      While my group has me to lean on, many do not have Linux using friends and they need this forum, if for no other reason that they do not know anything about computers but want or need to use one.

                      But, IMO, to avoid the BOTs, the registration cannot/should not be dumbed down.
                      "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
                      – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


                        Re: Is registration TOO DIFFICULT?

                        Sorry to hear about your friend. My condolences.

                        As to his HP and his comments. First, I wouldn't bring along Maverick. If you want to install Kubuntu, bring along the most recent LiveCD of Lucid, which should already come with the KDE 4.5.1 packaging. But might I also suggest that you also bring along Ubuntu Lucid. One of the strengths of Ubuntu over Kubuntu is it's 'easy of use' once installed. At least, you can run live demos of each and let him tell you which he finds 'easier' to use.

                        Again, sorry to hear about your friend.
                        Windows no longer obstructs my view.
                        Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
                        "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


                          Re: Is registration TOO DIFFICULT?

                          The latest 10.04.1 will not have KDE 4.5, and at this point Maverick (rc is due out this thursday) might be an idea worth trying. It would definitely reduce the updating/upgrading time.


                            Re: Is registration TOO DIFFICULT?

                            He was 79, my oldest user and best friend, and least afraid to try anything new. He rarely called me with problems, most due to his memory. We Skyped a lot.

                            It was very quick. He went out on his usual morning walk. About 100 meters from his house he passed an individual and said "hello" ... then fell over backwards, flat on his back on the sidewalk. There was very little blood under the sever contusion on the back of his head. Normally, head lacerations bleed profusely. Because there was so little blood the doctors surmised that his heart had stopped or that he had an aortic annularism which ruptured, causing instant loss of consciousness and loss of blood pressure, hence little bleeding externally. Because of his age they did not do an autopsy and carried out his wishes to be cremated. It's strange looking at a small, cubical box, 12cm on a side, holding the ashes of someone with whom you planned to eat dinner that very week end. He used a home made and polished walking cane. Very artistic, very beautiful. Holding it in my hands I could almost feel his touch.

                            But, he and I are people of Faith, and I believe that some day I will see him again, in better circumstances.
                            "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
                            – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


                              Re: Is registration TOO DIFFICULT?

                              Originally posted by Snowhog
                              As to his HP and his comments. First, I wouldn't bring along Maverick. If you want to install Kubuntu, bring along the most recent LiveCD of Lucid, which should already come with the KDE 4.5.1 packaging.
                              Good idea! I never thought of that.

                              But might I also suggest that you also bring along Ubuntu Lucid. One of the strengths of Ubuntu over Kubuntu is it's 'easy of use' once installed. At least, you can run live demos of each and let him tell you which he finds 'easier' to use.
                              mmm... not sure about that. I will be the one supporting him, and I haven't used Ubuntu enough to support him using it.

                              Again, sorry to hear about your friend.
                              "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
                              – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.

