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Saved Posts, Topics, Replies?

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    Saved Posts, Topics, Replies?

    I would like to be able to have a "Favorite" or "Bookmark" Place to SAVE Posts, Topics and Replies to Posts that interesting to me.
    Other Forums have this feature but I can't find it here?
    I takes a while to sort through the posts and Re-Search Topics to find replys to my posts and to find Posts that I want to save.
    Am I missing something or is this a good idea?
    The Truly Educated Never Graduate!

    Re: Saved Posts, Topics, Replies?

    Hi, Ichido

    I've just put a K/Ubuntu HowTo folder in the bookmarks section of my browser and save links to topics in there. Works for me.


    I wish I was the man my dog thinks I am.<br /><br />Registered Linux User No. 402825


      Re: Saved Posts, Topics, Replies?

      Yes a feature like that is terribly needed. Or something like a "subscribed threads" feature. The only subscription option existing is through e-mail notification.

      However, the problem probably lies with the forum software being used (SMF, or Simple Machines Forum). If such a feature does not exist in the software, it probably would be hard to add. I'm not absolutely sure though.

      Open Source, where are you...
      Jucato&#39;s Data Core


        Re: Saved Posts, Topics, Replies?

        Originally posted by lowey23
        Hi, Ichido

        I've just put a K/Ubuntu HowTo folder in the bookmarks section of my browser and save links to topics in there. Works for me.


        Great tip!
        The Truly Educated Never Graduate!


          Re: Saved Posts, Topics, Replies?

          I am in Florida right now (I live in Illinois) but I jumped online today and saw this thread. I have searched the SMF site for any possible mod, and I found one that works with SMF 1.1 so I will have to modify the forums manually to add this feature but hopefully I can do this as well as everything else that needs work, sometime in the next couple weeks. Sorry for being so slow recently, but I have had a lot going on. I have only been back home for 2 days in the past couple weeks, maybe even a month. Thanks for understanding. In case you are wondering what mod I will use, it is the bookmark mod located here


            Re: Saved Posts, Topics, Replies?

            Nice to hear from you again Open Source! I was beginning to get worried that you got swallowed up by some black hole somewhere.

            We'll be anxiously waiting for your return, and your updates.
            Jucato&#39;s Data Core


              Re: Saved Posts, Topics, Replies?

              Here is a BIG THANK YOU to everyone Helping everyone else with our problems, like me.
              THANK YOU !

              You are Ubuntu/Kubuntu:
              Ubuntu is an African word, which has been described as "too beautiful to translate into English". The essence of ubuntu is that "a person is a person through other people". It describes humanity as "being-with-others" and prescribes what "being-with-others" should be all about. Ubuntu emphasises sharing, consensus, and togetherness.

              Reminds me of the 'Golden Rule':
              "Treat others like you want them to treat you".
              The Truly Educated Never Graduate!


                Re: Saved Posts, Topics, Replies?

                I am now visiting my parents because my Grandfather just passed away 2 days ago, but I should be home by the middle of next week. Thanks for understanding.


                  Re: Saved Posts, Topics, Replies?

                  My condolences, Open Source. Take your time. The forum is doing relatively well, and I guess a few more days of waiting won't kill it.

                  (Btw, while you were gone, Ubuntuforums underwent another major forum change, both in software and in layout. They're now trying to have visual consistency with the main theme/color shceme)
                  Jucato&#39;s Data Core


                    Re: Saved Posts, Topics, Replies?

                    Well I may have to look into switching to vbulletin, or just work on this themes arrangement and colors. I like this software because it has so many features. By the way, I think those stats were off because now it is back to normal.


                      Re: Saved Posts, Topics, Replies?

                      (Oh, crap, my reply was hosed by Liferea, an RSS reader for GNOME, which has no Back/Forward features, which makes it impossible to recover my post... strange)

                      There are somethings that I like in this forum software. Most important is the almost Google-like search feature. If I enter "abc" as my keyword, it also displays results for "abcde". I find that more efficient than an exact word for word search. Another thing I like here is the fact that you can change your profile/display name, without affecting your account name. Of course, it does invite an oppurtunity to develop an online schizophrenia, but it's a convenience nonetheless.

                      There are, however, some things in vBulletin that are clear winners: a quick search box (no more waiting for the search page to load, which is a separate page from the advanced search), the ability to subscribe to threads without having to be notified by e-mail or having to post in that thread, changeable themes (ok, this isn't really an essential feature), etc.

                      I guess no forum software really is perfect or complete. In this case, the only feasible and viable solution is to stick with what you have and with what you can. This is specially applicable to you (Open Source), since you're a one-man admin/owner team. In the long run, whatever forum software is used, it's the community that will be the deciding factor whether it sucks or not.

                      P.S. I was about to suggest that you could ask for some kind of support from the Kubuntu devs, specially since Patrick Davies has been dropping by from time to time the past days, and Jonathan Riddle seems to be a moderator. But then again, I guess they would be a bit wary of giving any "official" support/backing because it would seem that it would be fragmenting the Ubuntu community (which I really don't agree/see).
                      Jucato&#39;s Data Core

