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Helping with Kubuntu Forum costs

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    Helping with Kubuntu Forum costs

    Is there a way for those of us who are extremely grateful for the Kubuntu Forums to donate funds to help Open Source defray the cost of the benefit we all receive because of his generosity.

    I'd be very happy to chip in a regular contribution because I am so pleased to have this resource available.

    In my mind OS typifies the Open Source ethic of "mutual help" as opposed to the proprietary ethic of "screwing whoever you can". We all do what we can to promote and help the Linux community but sometimes some money may be useful to assist a benefactor, wouldn't it?

    Re: Helping with Kubuntu Forum costs

    As Moderators, we have suggested to OS that there are members of KFN who would like to help contribute toward the maintenance of KFN through monetary contributions. He was grateful, and said he would not dismiss the offer 'out of hand,' but that he was not needing to implement such an arrangement 'at this time.' He does get some ad revenue I believe, as there are ads linked on KFN for those nonmembers who visit here.

    I'm sure, that if the time ever comes, where funding needs to maintain KFN become burdensome, OS will revisit the idea of accepting either donations or memberships for KFN. Until then...
    Windows no longer obstructs my view.
    Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
    "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


      Re: Helping with Kubuntu Forum costs

      Thank you for the generous offer, however, at this time the ad revenue is enough. I am planning on moving the servers to another site whenever SMF 2.0 is official. At that point it would be helpful to have some donations. Also, I have contemplated moving to vBulletin due to the features and options available. If we were to do so, then there would be a cost involved and donations would be helpful at that time. Thanks again for thinking of the costs as you are correct, not much is free in life.



        Re: Helping with Kubuntu Forum costs

        OK. Thanks again for your generosity.

        Anyway, as I said - I'd be happy to contribute; so if you change things, just let the community know when and where!! I'm sure there are many who would respond.

