How in hells name do I manage to run a complete search for all posts/threads that I've got something in ?
These forums seem to be one of the few that run this kind of search i.e. where you have to be quite so specific in what you're looking for.
I am more familiar with a search model where I can just put in a username and it will return all the threads that I've either started or have contributed too with post(s)
Is there some way of choosing that option ? because so far, it appears that I haven't posted anything - as far as the search facility knows.
Sorry, I know it's just that I'm missing something here, though as I can't find any instruction for search facility, I can't work out exactly what it is that I'm missing.
These forums seem to be one of the few that run this kind of search i.e. where you have to be quite so specific in what you're looking for.
I am more familiar with a search model where I can just put in a username and it will return all the threads that I've either started or have contributed too with post(s)
Is there some way of choosing that option ? because so far, it appears that I haven't posted anything - as far as the search facility knows.
Sorry, I know it's just that I'm missing something here, though as I can't find any instruction for search facility, I can't work out exactly what it is that I'm missing.