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Thanks button

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    Thanks button

    As so many Kubuntu users (both new and not-so-new ) come here for help and assistance, would it be possible to add a <Thanks> button, so that those members who wish to thank those who help us may do so? Something along the lines of the MepisLovers Forums (if i may refer to a rival ).

    (The button doesn't appear for non-members - for those of you who visit MepisLovers for a look-see. :P)

    Re: Thanks button

    [me=lmilano]agrees :-D[/me]


      Re: Thanks button

      I like the idea. LinuxQuestions forum has a thanks button, and I use it.
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        Re: Thanks button

        We had, at one time, a "Kudos" button, but did away with it after some discussion.


          Re: Thanks button

          Originally posted by Detonate
          We had, at one time, a "Kudos" button, but did away with it after some discussion.
          I think the problem with our "kudos" system was that it was possible to both give and take kudos. The possibilty of negative feedback was susceptible to abuse and could discourage posting anything "controversial"

          A simple thanks button (with only positive feedback) wouldn't have those problems.


            Re: Thanks button

            Good point. Also nice (and extremely useful) would be to be able to

            * Vote for a thread as useful
            * vote for a post as useful

            This could give "karma" or whatever to the poster, but also it would help in searches (say, I search for "fixing fonts", and then I sort the hits by Usefulness).


              Re: Thanks button

              Originally posted by kubicle
              I think the problem with our "kudos" system was that it was possible to both give and take kudos. The possibilty of negative feedback was susceptible to abuse and could discourage posting anything "controversial"

              A simple thanks button (with only positive feedback) wouldn't have those problems.
              The way that it works on MepisLovers Forums is that a member can be thanked for a helpful post, and if one does so, a button then appears <Remove thanks>, but it's not possible to give 'negative' thanks, so something along those lines - or your suggestion - i think is a Good Idea.

              Originally posted by lmilano
              Good point. Also nice (and extremely useful) would be to be able to

              * Vote for a thread as useful
              * vote for a post as useful

              This could give "karma" or whatever to the poster, but also it would help in searches (say, I search for "fixing fonts", and then I sort the hits by Usefulness).
              ... also a Good Idea.

              .... is anyone listening to us ?


                Re: Thanks button

                .... is anyone listening to us ?
                Good question, LOL.

                Another thing I thought is to give special "admin" rights to people with "Karma > some limit". Karma can be a combination of number of posts made, thanks obtained, etc. But basically, once someone has been helpful and you can trust her, give her a few buttons (only visible for those "admins") where she can easily post recurring themes:

                * "Please mark this thread as SOLVED by editing bla bla bla
                * "Please give more details" (and a link to some post explaining how to post)
                * "Please see the FAQ" (and a link to our FAQ)

                Anyone listening?


                  Re: Thanks button

                  Yeah, I am listening, but I apologize as I was gone on business this past week, and am only just now seeing these posts.


                    Re: Thanks button

                    Ah, sorry! For the [SOLVED] button, it would be nice if the button just lets the admin mark the thread as solved (as opposed to asking the original poster ...)


                      Re: Thanks button

                      Originally posted by lmilano
                      Another thing I thought is to give special "admin" rights to people with "Karma > some limit". Karma can be a combination of number of posts made, thanks obtained, etc. But basically, once someone has been helpful and you can trust her, give her a few buttons (only visible for those "admins") where she can easily post recurring themes:

                      * "Please mark this thread as SOLVED by editing bla bla bla
                      * "Please give more details" (and a link to some post explaining how to post)
                      * "Please see the FAQ" (and a link to our FAQ)
                      Potential for abuse approaching 9000! You want people with high Karma to have automatic admin rights? Get me off that bandwagon right now

                      All I'm saying is that a simple Thank you button gives readers an easy way to say thanks without creating a new, unnecessary post. It also may help curb the number of me too / +1 posts which contribute nothing else to the conversation. It may also give a little incentive to those responding to requests for help to truly try to be as helpful as possible.

                      I don't see any need to vote down posts. I also don't see any need for those with high karma to be granted admin rights.
                      Welcome newbies!
                      Verify the ISO
                      Kubuntu's documentation


                        Re: Thanks button

                        I didn't mean admin in general, really, sorry for the confusion, i meant it in a light way, be able to do the little things i suggested, no more than that. Yeah, it would be crazy otherwise.


                          Re: Thanks button

                          some of us have jobs and such, and I suspect one of us in here may have this thing called a life, whatever the heck that is supposed to be I have heard a lot about it, never seen one tho

                          Honestly, I have been busy at work as usual, as people don't stop being hungry and all. But the real reason is I just got a new TV, replacing an ooolllldddd and now dead 27inch crt with a 32 inch lcd

                          but anyhoo: back on topic:

