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Making the site more kubuntu-ish

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    Making the site more kubuntu-ish

    Since the discussion in this previous thread has gone off topic, I'll start a new thread to continue the discussion.

    Originally posted by Open Source
    if Hestia, or anyone else has any artwork
    Sorry I'm hopeless when it comes to graphics

    Originally posted by Open Source
    specific suggestions on how to change the look of the site
    Maybe changing the navbar above to have a tabbed look like with the main kubuntu site would really make a difference?

    Originally posted by kubicle
    The thing is has just recently switched to 'dapperish' graphics (with the deeper blue color scheme)...which means the color schemes in here don't match as well anymore (Though I must admit I prefer the calmer blue color scheme in here...but that's just me again Wink)
    SMF is a great forum software and it isn't too hard to customise and maintain but adding the portal I don't think is helping anyone, especially Open Source, in the long term. It just means more work for him. OK I'm biased (I hate portals), but I don't think a portal is needed. Aren't there any blog and gallery hacks available for SMF? Anyway, if it was SMF on its own it wouldn't be too difficult to keep it up to date with the latest kubuntu look. A few changes in the style and it'll match the latest colour scheme. And getting rid of the portal also means less customisations (not to mention that the shoutbox can be a resource hog)... just my 2 cents.

    Re: Making the site more kubuntu-ish

    I was going to make another thread, but I guess my suggestion also fits here:

    Is it possible to turn off the ads? There are two ads, one on MK Portal, and one on SMF. Maybe you could turn the one on MK Portal (the one beside the Kubuntu logo) off? If it's possible at all. We could probably use that space for links to, the Kubuntu wiki, and to KDE. That way, like what Hestia said, it becomes a bit more consistent with the header.

    Regarding kubicle's comment about the changed in color schemes at, I didn't really notice any change except for the new banner. The color scheme of the rest of the page looks the same. Of course I don't have a screen shot of the previous web page so I'm not entirely sure.

    Regarding portals, I guess I'm also a bit biased. I don't hate portals, but I don't love them that much, BUT I do like that fact that there is one here. I don't really see the disadvantage of having one, except of course for maintenance. The fact that it offers much more features than other plain forums out there is an added plus for me (I may have plans on using that blog feature ). Of course, if Open Source would have problems maintaining both MK Portal and SMF, then it's not really that important to have a portal. Linux Reality, a podcast for new Linux users, has a forum using SMF also. It doesn't have a portal, but it's working within WordPress, I think (looks at the bottom copyright texts). That being said, I really like the concept of having a portal. But if it has to go, I also wouldn't mind.
    Jucato's Data Core


      Re: Making the site more kubuntu-ish

      Originally posted by Jucato
      Is it possible to turn off the ads?
      I think the ads are helping to pay for the upkeep of the site/forums, but what do I know  (I evilly block adds :P)

      I didn't really notice any change except for the new banner. The color scheme of the rest of the page looks the same. Of course I don't have a screen shot of the previous web page so I'm not entirely sure.
      You're probably right, I think only the banner and footer graphics (and possibly link colors) have changed at, but since there is very little color on the actual pages those graphics really make up the looks/color scheme.

      Originally posted by Hestia
      Maybe changing the navbar above to have a tabbed look like with the main kubuntu site would really make a difference?
      That sounds like a good idea to me

      About the portal, I like the possibilities it gives...image gallery, blogs etc...only problem is these features aren't used much (and seem sort of redundant, at least for now).

      Anyway portal or no portal, it doesn't affect me much. Either way it's the good and active forum that counts


        Re: Making the site more kubuntu-ish

        You could block the ads, but then you'd be left with unused blank space which could have been used for something better, like the navbar tabs. Of course, the ads might be there to help Open Source maintain the site. (Usually most "free" stuff have ads).

        About the new banner in I hope we don't base the color scheme for the forums on the color scheme of that banner. It's a bit too bright, I think. I love blue, but even I don't like things that are too bright. It's not good for the eyes.

        I have to agree that the portal features are very much neglected/unused, probably because we also don't have much traffic here, or that most of the more "permanent" members usually have their own blogs/sites to utilize.

        I was planning to make my blog using KubuntuForums.Net's blog feature, but then changed my mind after some thought (We don't know what might happen. If KubuntuForums MK Portal goes, bye bye blog, too. ) We have an Image gallery that is barely used (though we do have 48 images, last I checked). The shoutbox is now only viewable when you enter through the portal (I think it was a majority vote to remove it from the forums?). The Downloads section is practically unused. The News section hasn't been updated since January (btw, it's one of the most prominent things that is displayed upon entering the portal, but it's old news). The Top Site, Reviews, and Quotes practically don't have much use. And the RSS Reader in the front page is only set to read from /. (of all sites... sorry ).

        Of course, we can't expect Open Source to maintain all of those, so I guess that shows the disadvantage of having a portal + forum setup. But the features really are nice if properly utilized.

        That being said, I wonder if SMF could actually stand on its own? I haven't seen if it has it's own image gallery, for one.

        Anyway, I guess Open Source might be doing an update/upgrade of the forums once Dapper is released just as he mentioned in another thread. I think he might also be doing some reorganization of the forum sections?
        Jucato's Data Core


          Re: Making the site more kubuntu-ish

          Maybe changing the navbar above to have a tabbed look like with the main kubuntu site would really make a difference?
          Are you referring to the forum buttons up top, or the portal buttons up top?

          Also, as for the ads, they are used to pay for the server and bandwidth. It usually brings in anywhere from 2 cents to 10 cents per day, which isn't much. Every once in awhile, it they generate $1 for the day (like once or twice a month) because no one clicks on them. I have thought about removing them altogether and putting a donate button at the bottom of the site somewhere, but I hate asking for money, and it doesn't take much money to run the site. Another possibility is to just remove the one in the header of the entire site.

          Let me know what RSS feed suggestions you have, and how I can promote the use of image gallery and the various features. The only problem I see with these features is that you need to have a large audience who actually uses them.


            Re: Making the site more kubuntu-ish

            Originally posted by Open Source
            Maybe changing the navbar above to have a tabbed look like with the main kubuntu site would really make a difference?
            Are you referring to the forum buttons up top, or the portal buttons up top?
            I meant the main navbar (I presume it's the portal's buttons).

            Also, as for the ads, they are used to pay for the server and bandwidth. It usually brings in anywhere from 2 cents to 10 cents per day, which isn't much. Every once in awhile, it they generate $1 for the day (like once or twice a month) because no one clicks on them. I have thought about removing them altogether and putting a donate button at the bottom of the site somewhere, but I hate asking for money, and it doesn't take much money to run the site. Another possibility is to just remove the one in the header of the entire site.
            Putting google ads in the header of forums can cause issues with google as they're not supposed to be displayed on pages like forum search, login and registration... so you either have to use conditionals to prevent them from showing on those pages or move the adds to another place in the forum. It might be easier to just move them elsewhere.


              Re: Making the site more kubuntu-ish

              I am going out of town for about two weeks with the military, but I will try and do some things with the ads before I leave.


                Re: Making the site more kubuntu-ish

                I just got some internet access, but I am still out of town. I will make some changes when I get back next week. Really sorry for taking so long.


                  Re: Making the site more kubuntu-ish

                  Hey no problem Open Source! Take your time. This forum doesn't make up your whole life.

                  (I will be posting some suggestions I have on a new thread soon. Don't want to hijack this one, as this has good suggestions of its own)
                  Jucato's Data Core

