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Need to make the forums themselves easier to find.

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    Need to make the forums themselves easier to find.

    The front page is pretty confusing.

    In particular if you go from ( and click on "Kubuntu Forums".
    Then you end up a front page on a site that welcomes the users of something called "KFN".
    And finding the forums themselves is not obvious either, it's a little link on the top bar amongst a lot of other links.

    It is pretty confusing. There is even a comment on the welcome that says:
    "Would anyone please tell me how to post a message to Kubuntu forums?"
    -I bet he couldn't actually find the forums themselves.

    Can I suggest to at least make the link to the forums on the front-page a lot more prominent as well as get rid of the "KFN" acronym on the welcome?

    Other than that the site is good.

    Best regards,

    Re: Need to make the forums themselves easier to find.

    Thanks, and Welcome!

    That is a fair and reasonable description of a "first visit" problem to this site. Especially so if one assumes that first time visitors are only looking for the forum itself, not the "Image Gallery" or "Reviews" or the other menu options.

    On the other hand, there's only one "first time" challenge for each visitor, right?. And the means by which one posts a message is exactly the same as 100 other internet forums -- so I would assume that question is by a person who has never previously posted anywhere. The first page of "Help" seems to be quite helpful for such a person -- "posting" is right there along the top list of subjects:

    It's up to our volunteer KFN host, Open Source, to decide how far he wants to go to point first time visitors to the forum itself. I don't think there's a broad assumption that a majority of visitors are totally inexperienced with such things -- but, maybe there should be!

