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Way to Check E-Mail notification

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    Way to Check E-Mail notification

    Don't know what is going on, but for about a week now I haven't received any notifications from the Forum. I've check all my settings in the Personal CP and all look well. Need a way to check to see if there is an issue with the e-mail address or the sites ability to send to that e-mail address.

    Re: Way to Check E-Mail notification

    I was having the same problem, I'm using gmail. I discovered that gmail was sending the notifications to the spam folder. What email provider are you using? Might want to check out the spam filter and see what is happening.


      Re: Way to Check E-Mail notification

      BellSouth.Net (now owned by AT&T). I thought of that as well and looked there. Nothing


        Re: Way to Check E-Mail notification

        I have not seen anything strange, however, I will look around in the logs and see if there have been any issues.


          Re: Way to Check E-Mail notification

          Please let me know of anything. Didn't receive notice of this one either. All check out fine here and on their website, though I have a suspicion it is them. Before AT&T "acquired" BellSouth, BellSouth would put my company's IP on their "possible" spammers list because of "excessive" NDRs (generated only because viruses/spammers from outside the company keep sending those bogus e-mails). We had to eventually turn of NDRs all together to get them to stop placing us on their "possible" spammers list.


            Re: Way to Check E-Mail notification

            Anyone else with this problem and have I haven't received Notices for nearly 2 weeks.


              Re: Way to Check E-Mail notification

              Sounds like you really need to talk to a BellSouth Internet/Email technician and describe your problem. I know for a fact, that your ISP techs can determine if they have set up blocks on their server to prevent specific emails/content/domains from getting to a subscribers mailbox. You need to push the issue. After all, you are paying them for connection to the 'Net, and you want to receive your email from 'approved' senders/domains.
              Windows no longer obstructs my view.
              Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
              "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


                Re: Way to Check E-Mail notification

                I have. They told me it is up to the sender to rectify the problem. I quess I'll have to find a "free" service to at least get this fixed.


                  Re: Way to Check E-Mail notification

                  Originally posted by MoonRise
                  I have. They told me it is up to the sender to rectify the problem.
                  That answer is pure BS on BellSouths part. I'd call again, and ask to speak to a supervisor. Keep going 'up the food chain' until you are talking to someone who has real authority. It isn't the senders problem! It's BellSouths filtering on their POP3 server.

                  Geez, I really hate stupid people (in this case, the tech's who are trying to buffalo their customers).
                  Windows no longer obstructs my view.
                  Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
                  "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


                    Re: Way to Check E-Mail notification

                    I agree...but oh well... Signed up for a free e-mail service (at least for now anyway). I've already set it up here. Some one please reply to this so I can check it out.


                      Re: Way to Check E-Mail notification

                      Here ya go. You've been 'replied' to.

                      Windows no longer obstructs my view.
                      Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
                      "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


                        Re: Way to Check E-Mail notification

                        > >

                        Nothing there either. No Forum e-mail!!!


                        What's going on here! I've changed nothing except for my e-mail address to the new one to test out my old one. Nothing in either SPAM section. No filters are set. My settings for the forum are the same as always.



                          Re: Way to Check E-Mail notification

                          "I see." said the blind man.

                          Take another look at your settings - closely. Typos (o (oscar) instead of 0 (zero), 1 (number) instead of l (lowercase L), etc. If you verify that your email address here is 100% correct, then the problem still has to be with your ISP.

                          Also recheck the settins here in your CP very closely to ensure that you didn't turn-off notification in some fashion.
                          Windows no longer obstructs my view.
                          Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
                          "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


                            Re: Way to Check E-Mail notification

                            It is still an ISP problem. Even if you are not using their POP3, they can still be filtering traffic. I have a very similar problem with a mail list I am on. This is an old fashioned straight text mail list I have been on for 12 years. I get all of the messages except my own. When you post a message to the list, everyone on the list should get the message, and since I am on the list I should see my own messages, but they never arrive. No on else on the list (about 250 people) has this problem. I am a personal friend of the guy who owns the server, and runs the list, and he has scoured every file on his server to try and find the problem. All of his log files indicate the messages are sent and delivered and no bounces. But I never receive them. I have changed email addresses and everything else I can think of to solve the problem. I have spent many hours trying to determine what's going on to no avail. So I truly understand your frustration in dealing with this.


                              Re: Way to Check E-Mail notification

                              e-mail is correct (for both used which are different ISPs). I've checked the settings here and they are what they've always been (I think). I never changed anything. Can you provide a screen shot of what yours look like?

