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Way to Check E-Mail notification

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    Re: Way to Check E-Mail notification

    Originally posted by Detonate
    It is still an ISP problem. Even if you are not using their POP3, they can still be filtering traffic. I have a very similar problem with a mail list I am on. This is an old fashioned straight text mail list I have been on for 12 years. I get all of the messages except my own. When you post a message to the list, everyone on the list should get the message, and since I am on the list I should see my own messages, but they never arrive. No on else on the list (about 250 people) has this problem. I am a personal friend of the guy who owns the server, and runs the list, and he has scoured every file on his server to try and find the problem. All of his log files indicate the messages are sent and delivered and no bounces. But I never receive them. I have changed email addresses and everything else I can think of to solve the problem. I have spent many hours trying to determine what's going on to no avail. So I truly understand your frustration in dealing with this.
    That truely sucks then!

    Would YaHoo Mail do the same? That's the "Free" e-mail I used to test this out.


      Re: Way to Check E-Mail notification

      Talk to BellSouth's Internet technicians again. Specifically ask them to check on any POP3 'blocks' on or both of which are identified with IP address Ask them how their POP3 server handles 'listserve' generated email where you are one of the addressees.
      Windows no longer obstructs my view.
      Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
      "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


        Re: Way to Check E-Mail notification

        Originally posted by MoonRise

        That truely sucks then!

        Would YaHoo Mail do the same? That's the "Free" e-mail I used to test this out.
        I tried yahoo, gmail and two other pop3 email accounts, with the same results. I gave up on this some time ago. I may go work on it again when I get time.


          Re: Way to Check E-Mail notification

          Originally posted by Snowhog
          Talk to BellSouth's Internet technicians again. Specifically ask them to check on any POP3 'blocks' on or both of which are identified with IP address Ask them how their POP3 server handles 'listserve' generated email where you are one of the addressees.
          I'll give that a try. Thanks for the info...I know I'll need it.

          Note: Had a rant here, decided to remove it.


            Re: Way to Check E-Mail notification

            Well; here is their response. Still dead in the water. Actually I think I may be taking on water!!!

            AT&T eAgent > If you believe that AT&T Internet Services is blocking your e-mail, please contact with the subject of Block. Please include the following information in the e-mail:

            AT&T eAgent > 1.Exact error message (if available) 2.The originating e-mail domain name (e.g. - 3.IP address of the sending mail server (if available) 4.Company name 5.Contact Phone number 6.Contact email address 7.The time when the problem began or was first noticed (please record all times as Eastern time zone) (Optional) 8.Full headers from the e-mail(s) that bounced (Optional)

            xxxx > Their information is: or both of which are identified with IP address

            xxxx > Do you not have the ability to check that it is blocked?

            AT&T eAgent > No I do not.

            AT&T eAgent > That information is only accessible by our abuse department.


              Re: Way to Check E-Mail notification

              Geez! Well, that comfirms my belief that there is a lot to be said for 'small town' ISPs who aren't part of a corporate conglomerate. I would never have that kind of response from my ISP.
              Windows no longer obstructs my view.
              Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
              "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


                Re: Way to Check E-Mail notification

                That is the smae kind of response I got when I was trying to solve my problem. I suspect that they make it extremely difficult for you to provide them with what they ask for (which they already have, BTW) to discourage you so that you will quit bothering them.


                  Re: Way to Check E-Mail notification

                  Probably true. I just changed my e-mail address to my work address. I know we don't filter because I run that! That at least will let me know, I hope. I hope I receive something, because if I don't, I'm going to pull my hair out!!! Makes no sense. I was receiving it and now I'm not and I changed nothing, only the e-mail address for testing this problem.


                    Re: Way to Check E-Mail notification

                    Okay, replying. Let's see if you get your email notification on this one.
                    Windows no longer obstructs my view.
                    Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
                    "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


                      Re: Way to Check E-Mail notification


                      Here is my settings for the forum. Do they jive with what you all have?

                      Attached Files


                        Re: Way to Check E-Mail notification

                        I found the problem!!!!! OS needs to get with some of these DNS Black List people. My server logs showed this:

                        "07/26/08 20:23:38","DNS Blacklist","","moonrise @work","Topic reply: Site really slow","Deleted","Sending mail server found on"


                          Re: Way to Check E-Mail notification

                          Good job! PM OS with this information.
                          Windows no longer obstructs my view.
                          Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
                          "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


                            Re: Way to Check E-Mail notification

                            Done.... I hope that was a good contribution! It will only get worse because the DNS Black List people share info.

