I have just "moved in" here, from Ubuntu forums. Kubuntu forums are far better organised! I find everything I want at once. Very nice indeed.
My only suggestion: These forums should be more visible, for instance (and not least) in the "ubuntu.com" pages.
I got my Kubuntu from: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu and of course I went straight to the "community support" there. I have had Kubuntu now for 5 months, googling extensively for solutions, without having discovered Kubuntuforums until now!
My only suggestion: These forums should be more visible, for instance (and not least) in the "ubuntu.com" pages.
I got my Kubuntu from: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu and of course I went straight to the "community support" there. I have had Kubuntu now for 5 months, googling extensively for solutions, without having discovered Kubuntuforums until now!