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notes and folders disappear over the edge of an activity screen

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    notes and folders disappear over the edge of an activity screen

    kubuntu 14.04

    I set up several activities and added a notes and folder to each activity desktop.

    It happend now several times that a folder or a note I set on an activity desktop disappeared over the edge of the screen when I tried to place them to a side of the screen.

    - How can I avoid the disappearing of notes and folders?
    - How can I get notes and folders back when they disappeared over the edge of a screen?

    Thanks in advance for your help!

    Hey...........PLEASE POST MORE INFO.......

    the part where you posted:

    "on the side of the screen"........

    is very intriguing.........

    Posting that it is in Kubu 14.04 is VERY helpful...


    this may be:

    a) a "bug"
    b) concommitent with the way that "activities/cube/screens/etc" work in terms of "the edge" there are a "couple" of settings for Compiz that "deal with" the edge of screens... and it may be something related to that. I run ONLY the "stock" compiz settings so I cannot replicate what you are describing.......
    c) it may be a "hardware" thing......

    I have not observed PARTICULARLY what you mentioned...

    it may


      Thank you very much for your reply.

      I can understand when you say you need more information. Should you be able to help me to provide more information I am willing to do so.I am a newbie to linux and to KDE.

      While widgets are unlocked, a little window pops up at their left or right side when the cursor moves over the widget. I don't know/find the name of this window; thus call it now: "setting window"

      I create folders on activity's desktop by:
      - right click on desktop > unlock widgets
      - right clck on desktop > add widgets
      - search for "folder"
      - drag folder to the desktop => folder has the default setting "home"
      - click settings button (spanner) at the lefft or right side of the folder's setting window
      - click : specify folder
      - browse for the path of the folder > OK
      - set title to "Default"
      - click OK
      - click on the free area of the setting window to move the folder

      In the equivalent way I create a "note", using the widget "Notes" not "Leave A Note".

      Clicking the free area of the setting window and moving a folder (or a note) to right or to the top of the screen makes a folder (or a note note) - sometimes - disappearing over the top or right edge of the screen.
      I never observed it on the left or bottom side because I don't need folders or notes there but only on top or right side.

      Moving of folders (or notes) is always done by clicking in the free area of the "setting window" just aboce the delete button (cross) and holding the cursor down while moving.

      Observations at the top of the screen:
      Normally when a folder or note is moved to the very top the folder so that is is only to be seen something like 1-2 cm, and the folder (or note) is released from the cursor, and the cursor is moved back towards the middle of the screen, the folder (or a note) move back into the screen that it is fully to be seen, but is still located at the edge of the screen. (which is actually what I want)

      Sometimes, but I cannot trigger this behavior, a folder (or note) dispeares over the top edge of the screen and is gone. I found so far no way to get such a folder (or note) back.
      In the case of a note important information gets lost, folder can be set up again.

      Observations at the right side.
      Moving is done as descriped above, but when I move a folder (or note) to the right side that it almost disappears (only a small part of the setting window is to be seen) and move the cursor towards the middle of the screen, the folder (or note) appears again at the left side of the screen.

      Sometimes, but I cannot trigger this behavior, a folder (or note) dispeares over the top edge of the screen and is gone. I found so far no way to get such a folder (or note) back.
      In the case of a note important information gets lost, folder can be set up again.

      I hope this shines a bit more light into the problem I am observing sometimes.

