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Should I just keep Vista?

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    Should I just keep Vista?

    Hewlett Packard recently replaced my zd8000 with a dv7t, because the 8000 was worthless. Unfortunately, it came installed with Vista, and that is making the dv7t worthless. While I still had the 8000, I purchased an Asus 701 EEE with the Xandros distro running on it. I installed KDE and was generally pleased with its performance. However, that is my only experience with Linux and the EEE is quite simple. This thing that HP has sent me is a beast.

    I am concerned that some of these ports will stop working and that the webcam won't function. I am a little computer illiterate, so while this might be a stupid concern, I am also worried about some of these controls on the keyboard. There are several shortcut keys which are touch activated.

    The laptop is apparently an "entertainment" laptop, which means it has a lot of useless features, including a remote for some media program. It isn't necessary, but it turns on the computer, which is kinda of entertaining. Would I still be able to use it so long as there was a default media program?

    If someone has a similar laptop, I would appreciate any advice. Also, if someone would take a look at this list of devices and tell me what might never function again or what I would have difficulty finding drivers for, I'd appreciate it. My boyfriend has me thinking that I'll never get my nvidia card to work and that my ports will never function again.

    Sorry if these are stupid questions.
    [img width=230 height=400][/img]
    [img width=257 height=400][/img]
    [img width=258 height=400][/img]

    Re: Should I just keep Vista?

    You might want to consider dual-booting if you would like to keep Vista, but also use Kubuntu or another Linux OS. This is what I've done. I don't have near the same computer as you do, but dual-booting has certainly helped me. I really like Kubuntu, although a few of my drivers currently don't run (or are not configured properly) on it.

    As for your Nvidia, there's a Linux driver out there somewhere, most likely. And that's another reason why dual-booting is the way to go. Dual-booting allows you to try another OS without writing over the other one.
    Sony Vaio VGN NR260E<br />Linux Kubuntu 9.04\Windoze 7 Professional<br /><br />Sony Vaio VPCF1190X<br />Linux Kubuntu 10.04/Windoze 7 Home Premium<br /><br />Linux user #478627


      Re: Should I just keep Vista?

      First I will say that I don't see there being a real problem with the Nvidia driver as Linux has a (restricted) driver for Nvidia. I also don't see any problem with any 'ports'.
      The only real problems I can see would be the remote, the "special" function keys on the keyboard, and possibly the webcam. (possibly, although webcam support has gotten a lot better)
      If you are just wanting to try out Kubuntu, you can boot off of a 'live' cd or thumb drive. This will not make any changes to your laptop at all. Or, you can dual boot... where you would have to set up a seperate partition for Kubuntu.
      If I was uncertain, as you seem to be, I would probably try the 'live' cd for a few days. If you decide you like it and would like to make a jump, then install and 'dual boot'.
      I have a pc that I dual boot with OpenGEU (Ubuntu with Enlightenment desktop) I partitioned a small 20Gigs for Windows and run OpenGEU on the other 100Gigs.
      &quot;Either you repeat the same conventional doctrines everybody is saying, or else you say something true, and it will sound like it&#39;s from Neptune.&quot; ~Noam Chomsky<br /><br />Gigabyte MB, AMD 64x2 6000, 2 Gigs Patriot DDR2, XFX GeForce 8600GT XXX, 400Gig WD SATA HDD &amp; 1TB WD SATA HDD.


        Re: Should I just keep Vista?

        Originally posted by CVPunk

        If I was uncertain, as you seem to be, I would probably try the 'live' cd for a few days. If you decide you like it and would like to make a jump, then install and 'dual boot'.
        I have a pc that I dual boot with OpenGEU (Ubuntu with Enlightenment desktop) I partitioned a small 20Gigs for Windows and run OpenGEU on the other 100Gigs.
        Best advice in the world. Be aware that there are a multitude of LiveCD´s available. If you should find that one of them doesn´t work with your webcam, you can try another, which may have problems with your video card, so try another, and maybe it works beautifully!!

        Downloading the CD´s is free, and easy.


          Re: Should I just keep Vista?

          Well done, orangerainrevolt, on posting such a detailed list of system specs! It makes it so much easier for people to answer questions.

          Far from being a problem, your nVidia card is probably the best option for Linux - you'll simply need to install the correct driver once you've installed Linux. And there's a program called Envy that can do that for you!

          Your Bluetooth adaptor should work well (I've never found one that hasn't), and your wireless network adaptor should also work... as CVPunk said, the best way to find out is to try a Live CD.

          There are ways and means of getting remote controls working on Linux - I have a remote myself, with a TV card in my computer - but setting up LIRC isn't exactly trivial (at least in my 5-year experience). If the remote is a "show-stopper" for you (that is, if it's critically important) then be aware that it might take a bit of work and a lot of Google to get it working!


            Re: Should I just keep Vista?

            Try the Live CD, and see how many functions work "out of the box". Probably the special keys won't work right. Most of the rest of it should work. Potentially you could even play with key assignments in kcontrol, with the Live CD booted, and check out what it takes to make the special key combinations work -- at least the ones that you care about.

            Concur with JamesM about LIRC. It's not important to me (I have a PVR card installed, which has a remote), so I just skipped it, but I looked into it and it is fairly complicated. You can research it and see how bad you want it.


              Re: Should I just keep Vista?

              My boyfriend has me thinking that I'll never get my nvidia card to work and that my ports will never function again.
              Even if they don't work in Linux, they will still work if you ever start windows again. Linux won't fry the ports or something.

              The "Family PC" here has NVidia and it works, but the resolution is low.

              I use Dual Boot, but never start Windoze cuz it is soooooooo slow.
              My Local Repository<br />Forums I am active on<br />Please help me with this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                Re: Should I just keep Vista?

                I'm irritatingly new to Kubuntu, but now don't have a choice in the matter. The only advice I can give is to be VERY careful with those partitions. I misclicked (being irritatingly new) and removed my Vista partition. If you value Vista even remotely be very careful... unless you are not as new to this as I.

                BTW, I spent 10 minutes really thinking hard to find a reason to fret, but I could not find one. I felt that I should have experienced a bit of angst but it was not there. So, happy accident... maybe?


                  Re: Should I just keep Vista?

                  I am using my Sony VAIO VGN-FW140E/H laptop, which I bought last August, and which features dual core 2.1 GHz CPUs, 3 GB RAM, and a 1600X900 display. It's labeled with sticker claiming that it can play 1080p HD and Dolby sound. It came with VISTA Home Premium. It HAD been running Mandriva 2009 PWP since that distro's release, in dual boot mode with VISTA. Two weeks ago I tried Jaunty's LiveCD and was surprised to discover that it was the FIRST distro that could give me a 3D accelerated video and a 1600X900 screen! Since last August the only reason I had VISTA was because I might have been called to support a fly-by-wire tractor system that I wrote for an Ag engineer. He hasn't needed support for over a year and in evaluating why I fired up VISTA is was solely to install updates. So, I took back my HD space from VISTA and gave Jaunty the whole hard drive.

                  It is now running Kubuntu 9.04 with KDE 4.2.1 and the latest updates (as of this morning), and I have Desktop effects active. While Jaunty was a little flaky a couple weeks ago when I first installed it, the updates have turned it into a fine running and very fast laptop. Everything works - accelerated video, sound, webcam, USB ports, wifi, eth0, Love KDE4!!! On the outside chance my Ag engineer friend might call again, I installed VMWare and have my old copy of XP Pro running in it beautifully. (I wanted to use VirtualBox but to install it WITH guest tools would require that I remove KDE4, and that is something I will never do.)

                  This morning I was playing the DVD movie, 101 Dalmatians, for my 3 year old grandson, and the movie was gorgeous in full 1600X900 HD, and the sound was terrific. He as enjoying the movie. I was enjoying how good Jaunty is on this laptop. A match made in heaven!
                  "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
                  – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


                    Re: Should I just keep Vista?

                    I have a Dell xps m1530 with the built in webcam and what not. Installed kubuntu the other day on dual boot with vista, and didnt have to do anything to make the wireless work, the speakers to work, the webcam to work. it all just... worked! even the volume buttons. This is especially good because I am a complete beginner with linux


                      Re: Should I just keep Vista?

                      My boyfriend has me thinking that I'll never get my nvidia card to work and that my ports will never function again.
                      You need to find another boyfriend! That boy depends too much on MS PR stuff.

                      A couple weeks ago a relative brought his new 64bit HP laptop (one without the NVidia chip, which, IIRC, also was a dv7t) and wanted me to try the Kubuntu Jaunty LiveCD on it (ALPHA5). It fit like a silk glove. Sound, the webcam, USB ports, everything just worked. Jaunty slipped on like a silk glove.

                      My only complaint is that his 64bit was about twice as fast as my new Sony VAIO with centrino2 dual core 2.16 GHz with 3GB RAM.

                      "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
                      – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


                        Re: Should I just keep Vista?

                        That reminds me, my dell has an nvidia 8400m vid card in it. the only thing it took to make the drivers work was to click the little button on the bottom right of vista that said Drivers, and to enable the recommended one.

