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Linux isn't "free" Windoze

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    Linux isn't "free" Windoze

    I've been on this Forum for some time now. Based on posts of many new users to Linux (Kubuntu), it seems there is an expectation that Linux is supposed to be a "free" Windoze OS. This view point often results in disappointment when their first experience with Linux falls short of their expectations.
    • Linux is not "free" Windoze.
    • All Linux distributions "are not the same."
    • Just because "it worked in Windoze" doesn't (necessarily) mean that it will work in Linux.
    • All Linux distributions are not equal (if you've seen one Linux distribution, you've not seen them all).
    • Having had a less than favorable first impression with one Linux distribution does not mean that you will have the same with another (and vise-versa).
    • That it works with one Linux distribution is no guarantee that it will work in another (and vise-versa).

    Free your mind of Windoze. Don't let your experience with Windoze prejudice your expectations when you try Linux.
    Windows no longer obstructs my view.
    Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
    "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes

    Re: Linux isn't "free" Windoze

    There are many things that are a real pain to do in Windows but are very easy (even fun) to do in Linux. I'll not start a flame war by enumerating--if you use Linux, you know what I mean.

    An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


      Re: Linux isn't "free" Windoze

      Free your mind of Windoze. Don't let your experience with Windoze prejudice your expectations when you try Linux.
      That's the biggest thing right there...You have to have an Open Mind and want to learn a different thought process. After all, this is Unix like and that is where computing started, not M$.


        Re: Linux isn't "free" Windoze

        When I first started using Linux a few years ago, I too, was handicapped by the problem of wanting it to work like Windows. After a couple of months of frustration, I realized that I needed a new mindset. You have to approach the transition as if you were getting the first computer you ever owned and learning how to use it. If you want your computer to do something, figure out how to make it do it. Don't start the process by thinking "in Windows I would....". I think that those of us who began our computing prior to Windows may have some advantage here, because we experienced making a computer work without all the fancy Windows stuff. Working from the old DOS command line to get things done was a good learning experience. Most computer users these days have only experienced Windows before coming to Linux.


          Re: Linux isn't "free" Windoze

          First off, just my opinion. . probably one of the best things that anyone can do is to avoid the use of M$ and Windoze. They're childish, and should not represent the attitude of anyone in the *nix community. Think what you want about Microsoft, but 1998 called. . it wants its memes back.

          As for this topic. . while Kubuntu and Linux are not free versions of Windows in any way (ReactOS?), it is not an overly unique operating system. While it is different, there are many common concepts that apply to Linux, Windows, and many other operating systems. While I can understand that some users come here to express their frustrations about how Kubuntu doesn't work just like Windows, it's too bad to see a rant like this in a forum where many people seek help. Personally, I'd post a bullet list like this only in response to a topic, and only when it is warrented.


            Re: Linux isn't "free" Windoze

            I don't believe this was meant to be a post for bashing Windows. Windows does have it's own purpose, even if it is based on compatibility due to how much of the market Microsoft has.

            Yes, generally speaking, operating systems have similarities. For a desktop, people expect to see a menu with applications and/or access to system configurations. People like to see the capability to use an office suite, change the wallpaper, listen to music, and various other items.

            Allow me to give an example: Yesterday, I had some company at the house that had never heard of Linux. Here's the obvious questions that were asked after they had seen my laptop: Does it run on Windows? What can it do? How much does it cost? Further into the visit, some revealed applications, the question "do you need to be online do do this?" was asked while demonstrating OpenOffice. This has to be one of the more popular questions I get asked because the average every-day user mainly just knows internet based stuff.

            With people that think like this (and there are A LOT of them due to a lack of exposure to other operating systems, technologies, or just simply options), it's entirely all too common that people expect Linux (K/Ubuntu) to be just like Windows.

            Other points:
            1) This doesn't seem to really be a rant, but a "fair warning" post.
            2) To post this to individual threads that it applies to... personally, it would make my fingers hurt.
            3) Having this posted already prevents it from needing to be posted over and over again.

            I'm sure I had more to say, but I probably lost it since I was typing this while having dinner and I think I've been long winded enough as it is.
            Keyboard not detected. Press F1 to continue...


              Re: Linux isn't "free" Windoze

              Originally posted by digitalhead
              1) This doesn't seem to really be a rant, but a "fair warning" post.
              Which was exactly my intent. This is not a Windoze bashing post.
              Windows no longer obstructs my view.
              Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
              "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


                Re: Linux isn't "free" Windoze

                Well, as I stated many posts and long time ago, (k)ubuntu is not Windows. There is a learning curve. Once you have that figured out, life will become easier. You want peace of Mind?, then run a real OS, run any flavor of Linux and get to know how to use it.

                Long Live the Linux Kernel

                Beware the Almighty Command Line


                  Re: Linux isn't "free" Windoze

                  Originally posted by MepisReign
                  Long Live the Linux Kernel
                  (Somewhere, deep within the enclave on Lake Washington)
                  "What? Did you feel that? I, I sense a disturbance within the Force." (BG)
                  Windows no longer obstructs my view.
                  Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
                  "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


                    Re: Linux isn't "free" Windoze

                    Originally posted by Snowhog
                    Originally posted by MepisReign
                    Long Live the Linux Kernel
                    (Somewhere, deep within the enclave on Lake Washington)
                    "What? Did you feel that? I, I sense a disturbance within the Force." (BG)


                      Re: Linux isn't "free" Windoze

                      But surely Linux is a cancer and it supports communism. I know that's true Steve 'Balmy' Balmer said it .

                      The penguin's flag, is brightest red.....

                      I'll get me coat.

                      Mind you I do like the message when you try and use M$ photosyth on GNU/linux

                      Attached Files


                        Re: Linux isn't "free" Windoze

                        Originally posted by stealthbanana
                        But surely Linux is a cancer and it supports communism. I know that's true Steve 'Balmy' Balmer said it .

                        The penguin's flag, is brightest red.....

                        I'll get me coat.

                        Mind you I do like the message when you try and use M$ photosyth on GNU/linux

                        This is why my Linux looks like

                        Only, in English...
                        Compaq Presario c727us, 120GB  HDD, 2GB DDR2, 1.6GHz, fully working sound, wifi, proprietary buttons, and on board mouse with Kubuntu 8.04 and KDE 4.1


                          Re: Linux isn't "free" Windoze

                          I think why linux isn't as popular AS wiindows is becuase it's often looked down on as some sort of 'nerd-fest', much like DOS was back in the day. Why? Well, becuase it mostly comprises of using a command prompt for most of its main tasks, and it requires users to memorise commands to carry out a ot of it's tasks, and this is soething that doesn't realy appeal to your average joe computer user.

                          Another reason is that the lack of 'standardisation' in the linux market. I know that having the choice is good, but most people don't know the difference between distros, and most people wouldn't know where to look for a decent distro. Of course, this has been helped by the sheer popularity of Ubuntu, with PC's now coming with it pre-installed is really helping the linux market, but becuase of the fact that there is only ONE windows, and about 10 different versions of linux, each of which is diferent in thier own way, this is going to help windows gain support from developers. And I know linux in itself is not a stand-alone operating system, but for their just to be one main kernel for the others to be based around would really help.


                            Re: Linux isn't "free" Windoze

                            Originally posted by lwil08
                            but becuase of the fact that there is only ONE windows, and about 10 different versions of linux,
                            Actually, there are several more than 10. See the Tux Family Tree 2 in the downloads section of this site.
                            Keyboard not detected. Press F1 to continue...


                              Re: Linux isn't "free" Windoze

                              Wow thats a lot of linux!

