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dot bin

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    dot bin

    Hello. I would like to know how to install .bin files. Could someone point me to the answer please

    Happy Yuletide

    "We simply must accept the fact that Captain Kirk is no longer alive!"

    Re: dot bin

    I have now installed RealPlayer.bin, but don't know how it happened. I ran several different commands in terminal (as you will see below, I didn't really know what I was doing (really just poking around)), none of which seemed to achieve anything. Then looking around the file system in Konqueror I found a RealPlayer directory with a shell script in it. I knew enough to run it, and lo and behold it installed RealPlayer!

    The problem I now have is that RealPlayer does not appear on the main menu, or under any of the sub-menus.

    Could someone please have a look at the terminal output below and tell me what is going on? Also point me in the direction of the executable (or equivalent) so that I can put a shortcut on my desktop, or better still add it to the Konqueror menu. Here is the output:

    jack@phoenix:~$ cd Desktop
    jack@phoenix:~/Desktop$ install RealPlayer10GOLD.bin
    install: too few arguments
    Try `install --help' for more information.
    jack@phoenix:~/Desktop$ install RealPlayer10GOLD.bin ~/media
    jack@phoenix:~/Desktop$ install RealPlayer10GOLD.bin /media
    install: cannot create regular file `/media/RealPlayer10GOLD.bin': Permission de nied
    jack@phoenix:~/Desktop$ sudo install RealPlayer10GOLD.bin /media
    jack@phoenix:~/Desktop$ cd
    jack@phoenix:~$ cd /
    jack@phoenix:/$ ls
    bin debootstrap home lib mnt root sys var
    boot dev initrd lost+found opt sbin tmp vmlinuz
    cdrom etc initrd.img media proc srv usr
    jack@phoenix:/$ cd media
    jack@phoenix:/media$ ls
    cdrom cdrom0 CED RealPlayer10GOLD.bin usb usb0 USBFLASH
    jack@phoenix:/media$ sudo del RealPlayer10GOLD.bin
    sudo: del: command not found
    jack@phoenix:/media$ sudo rm RealPlayer10GOLD.bin
    jack@phoenix:/media$ ls
    cdrom cdrom0 CED usb usb0 USBFLASH

    Thanks in advance

    "We simply must accept the fact that Captain Kirk is no longer alive!"


      Re: dot bin

      These may help:

      Installing .bin in Ubuntu

      How to install ANYTHING in Ubuntu!

      Installing Software in Ubuntu
      Before you edit, BACKUP !

      Why there are dead links ?
      1. Thread: Please explain how to access old kubuntu forum posts
      2. Thread: Lost Information

