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    I can't start amaroK. When I try to, a little box pops up at the screen that says 'updating database'... I got all new packages but I'm not sure if I got all relevant repositories - or it might be something completely different...?

    Re: amaroK

    Try to run it from the command line/Konsole and report back if it gives you any errors.
    In a world without windows and fences who needs Gates?


      Re: amaroK

      It does the same but this time I get a lot more feedback

      jacob@skrotbunken:~$ amarok
      X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 168
      Major opcode: 145
      Minor opcode: 3
      Resource id: 0x0
      Failed to open device
      X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 168
      Major opcode: 145
      Minor opcode: 3
      Resource id: 0x0
      Failed to open device
      Invalid entry (missing '=') at /home/jacob/.kde/share/config/amarokrc:1
      Invalid entry (missing '=') at /home/jacob/.kde/share/config/amarokrc:2
      Invalid entry (missing '=') at /home/jacob/.kde/share/config/amarokrc:3
      Invalid entry (missing '=') at /home/jacob/.kde/share/config/amarokrc:4
      Invalid entry (missing '=') at /home/jacob/.kde/share/config/amarokrc:5
      Invalid entry (missing '=') at /home/jacob/.kde/share/config/amarokrc:7
      Invalid entry (missing '=') at /home/jacob/.kde/share/config/amarokrc:8
      Invalid entry (missing '=') at /home/jacob/.kde/share/config/amarokrc:9
      Invalid entry (missing '=') at /home/jacob/.kde/share/config/amarokrc:10
      Invalid entry (missing '=') at /home/jacob/.kde/share/config/amarokrc:1
      Invalid entry (missing '=') at /home/jacob/.kde/share/config/amarokrc:2
      Invalid entry (missing '=') at /home/jacob/.kde/share/config/amarokrc:3
      Invalid entry (missing '=') at /home/jacob/.kde/share/config/amarokrc:4
      Invalid entry (missing '=') at /home/jacob/.kde/share/config/amarokrc:5
      Invalid entry (missing '=') at /home/jacob/.kde/share/config/amarokrc:7
      Invalid entry (missing '=') at /home/jacob/.kde/share/config/amarokrc:8
      Invalid entry (missing '=') at /home/jacob/.kde/share/config/amarokrc:9
      Invalid entry (missing '=') at /home/jacob/.kde/share/config/amarokrc:10
      Amarok: [Loader] Starting amarokapp..
      Amarok: [Loader] Don't run gdb, valgrind, etc. against this binary! Use amarokapp.
      X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 168
      Major opcode: 145
      Minor opcode: 3
      Resource id: 0x0
      Failed to open device
      X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 168
      Major opcode: 145
      Minor opcode: 3
      Resource id: 0x0
      Failed to open device
      Invalid entry (missing '=') at /home/jacob/.kde/share/config/amarokrc:1
      Invalid entry (missing '=') at /home/jacob/.kde/share/config/amarokrc:2
      Invalid entry (missing '=') at /home/jacob/.kde/share/config/amarokrc:3
      Invalid entry (missing '=') at /home/jacob/.kde/share/config/amarokrc:4
      Invalid entry (missing '=') at /home/jacob/.kde/share/config/amarokrc:5
      Invalid entry (missing '=') at /home/jacob/.kde/share/config/amarokrc:7
      Invalid entry (missing '=') at /home/jacob/.kde/share/config/amarokrc:8
      Invalid entry (missing '=') at /home/jacob/.kde/share/config/amarokrc:9
      Invalid entry (missing '=') at /home/jacob/.kde/share/config/amarokrc:10
      Invalid entry (missing '=') at /home/jacob/.kde/share/config/amarokrc:1
      Invalid entry (missing '=') at /home/jacob/.kde/share/config/amarokrc:2
      Invalid entry (missing '=') at /home/jacob/.kde/share/config/amarokrc:3
      Invalid entry (missing '=') at /home/jacob/.kde/share/config/amarokrc:4
      Invalid entry (missing '=') at /home/jacob/.kde/share/config/amarokrc:5
      Invalid entry (missing '=') at /home/jacob/.kde/share/config/amarokrc:7
      Invalid entry (missing '=') at /home/jacob/.kde/share/config/amarokrc:8
      Invalid entry (missing '=') at /home/jacob/.kde/share/config/amarokrc:9
      Invalid entry (missing '=') at /home/jacob/.kde/share/config/amarokrc:10
      amarok: BEGIN: App::App()
      amarok: BEGIN: void App::fixHyperThreading()
      amarok: Workaround not enabled
      amarok: END__: void App::fixHyperThreading() - Took 0.00094s
      amarok: END__: App::App() - Took 0.0083s
      amarok: BEGIN: void App::continueInit()
      amarok: BEGIN: EngineBase* EngineController::loadEngine(const QString&)
      amarok: [PluginManager] Plugin trader constraint: [X-KDE-Amarok-framework-version] == 27 and [X-KDE-Amarok-plugintype] == 'engine' and [X-KDE-Amarok-name] != 'void-engine' and [X-KDE-Amarok-rank] > 0
      amarok: [PluginManager] Plugin trader constraint: [X-KDE-Amarok-framework-version] == 27 and [X-KDE-Amarok-plugintype] == 'engine' and [X-KDE-Amarok-name] == 'void-engine' and [X-KDE-Amarok-rank] > 0
      amarok: [PluginManager] Trying to load: libamarok_void-engine_plugin
      amarok: PluginManager Service Info:
      amarok: ---------------------------
      amarok: name : <no engine>
      amarok: library : libamarok_void-engine_plugin
      amarok: desktopEntryPath : amarok_void-engine_plugin.desktop
      amarok: X-KDE-Amarok-plugintype : engine
      amarok: X-KDE-Amarok-name : void-engine
      amarok: X-KDE-Amarok-authors : (Max Howell,Mark Kretschmann)
      amarok: X-KDE-Amarok-rank : 1
      amarok: X-KDE-Amarok-version : 1
      amarok: X-KDE-Amarok-framework-version: 27
      amarok: END__: EngineBase* EngineController::loadEngine(const QString&) - Took 0.038s
      amarok: BEGIN: CollectionDB::CollectionDB()
      Invalid entry (missing '=') at /home/jacob/.kde/share/config/amarokrc:1
      Invalid entry (missing '=') at /home/jacob/.kde/share/config/amarokrc:2
      Invalid entry (missing '=') at /home/jacob/.kde/share/config/amarokrc:3
      Invalid entry (missing '=') at /home/jacob/.kde/share/config/amarokrc:4
      Invalid entry (missing '=') at /home/jacob/.kde/share/config/amarokrc:5
      Invalid entry (missing '=') at /home/jacob/.kde/share/config/amarokrc:7
      Invalid entry (missing '=') at /home/jacob/.kde/share/config/amarokrc:8
      Invalid entry (missing '=') at /home/jacob/.kde/share/config/amarokrc:9
      Invalid entry (missing '=') at /home/jacob/.kde/share/config/amarokrc:10
      amarok: BEGIN: void CollectionDB::initialize()
      amarok: [ThreadWeaver] Creating pthread key, exit value is 0
      amarok: BEGIN: SqliteConnection::SqliteConnection(const SqliteConfig*)
      amarok: END__: SqliteConnection::SqliteConnection(const SqliteConfig*) - Took 0.0014s
      amarok: [CollectionDB] Updating DEVICES table
      amarok: END__: void CollectionDB::initialize() - Took 0.0079s
      amarok: [CollectionDB] INotify not available, using QTimer!
      amarok: END__: CollectionDB::CollectionDB() - Took 0.021s
      amarok: BEGIN: void CollectionDB::checkDatabase()
      amarok: [CollectionDB] Beginning database update
      amarok: [CollectionDB] Different database stats version detected! Stats table will be updated or rebuilt.
      amarok: [CollectionDB] [ERROR!] Database statistics version too new for this version of Amarok. Quitting...
      amarok: BEGIN: virtual CollectionDB::~CollectionDB()
      amarok: [CollectionDB] Running VACUUM
      amarok: END__: virtual CollectionDB::~CollectionDB() - Took 0.19s
      amarok: [virtual EngineController::~EngineController()]

      Hope this gives you a clue


        Re: amaroK

        Hmm... It looks like it's having problems with database, or something. And what's with that "void-engine_plugin" plugin? What kind of Amarok engine do you use for playback(I use xine engline)? I suggest you remove the file /home/jacob/.kde/share/config/amarokrc. It that doesn't solve the problem, try to remove the folder ~/.kde/share/apps/amarok/. This will remove all your previous user configuration and will give you a fresh start.
        In a world without windows and fences who needs Gates?


          Re: amaroK

          you could always try

          deb edgy main

          and see what happens


            Re: amaroK

            There we go, removing the ~/.kde/share/apps/amarok/. made everything as when I started amaroK for the first time.
            Thanks a lot

