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Kubuntu defaults how to

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    Kubuntu defaults how to


    I was trying to install a driver for a broadcom wireless, after trying ndiswrapper and trying installing another kernel and so on my kubuntu became with no wireless at all.
    In sistem setting there is no wireless.
    I want only to have my kubuntu just us if it were installed now. I think that I lost something in a configuration file. Please, if there is someone who know how to get kubuntu as if it were new, tell me. I know that if I can have kubuntu just us if it were newly installed I will have the wireless in sistem setting. Time will be in future to try to configure properly.


    Re: Kubuntu defaults how to

    It really depends on what you did. If you modified a system-wide setting, then it's a bit more difficult to bring Kubuntu back to its default.

    More likely, you modified a user setting, in which case, pasting this command into the Konsole:
    mv ~/.kde ~/.kde.old
    and then logging out and logging back in again should help.
    Linux is ready for the desktop--but whose desktop?<br />How to install software in Kubuntu


      Re: Kubuntu defaults how to

      Thanks aysiu but it doesn't work. It seemed good but failed. In network connections I can't see the interface eth1. This is the wireless. It was there till I this morning, when I was trying with ndiswrapper, kernel and all that I found in internet about the broadcom I change the system.
      How I said, now, I only want to getting Kubuntu just as it is. I tried looking if in system setting should have something to add hardware, as in windows, but no. The only I can think is to remove in /etc/ all files that have something with network and then installing all of them. Still it seem difficult, but at first maybe was there where any file changed.
      I wait if someone know how to get files in /etc/ at its origins because I think that if something is changed and isn't in home files, then is in /etc/



        Re: Kubuntu defaults how to

        This could be quite dangerous, but you could try booting up the live CD, mounting your current Kubuntu partition, moving the /etc directory to /etc.backup and then copying the live CD's /etc directory to your Kubuntu partition...
        Linux is ready for the desktop--but whose desktop?<br />How to install software in Kubuntu


          Re: Kubuntu defaults how to

          Thanks aysiu, it seem a good idea. I shall try.

