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update router problems

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    update router problems

    Having just started using kunbuntu i am having problems updating, i always receive a timed out message, likewise i can not use firefox, times out but i can use Konqueror. I am using a wired router and suspect this is the problem but do not know how to move forward.

    any help would be appreciated.

    Re: update router problems

    What I don't understand from your message is why Konqueror works when both Firefox and Adept don't. All three programs use the http protocol. Normally, timeouts occur when your ISP's Domain Name Server, a computer that stores a database of translations from human readable domain names to 32 bit IP addresses. Perhaps Konq is more tolerant of slow DNS servers than FF or Adept. Can you supply the exact wording of the timeout message that you're getting just in case FF and Adept are timing out at some other part of the process.

    Alternatively, you may have set up your router improperly, but I don't see how that would affect some programs and not others. So I don't think that your setup is to blame. Can you be a bit more explicit about your HW/SW setup?

    If, in fact, you are having DNS problems, I suggest trying This may be the greatest invention since the pop-top beer can (at least, if your ISP has an overloaded DNS server).

