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Has anybody noticed

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    Has anybody noticed

    How many reviews of Linux are in the leading magazines. I find very few. Years ago I got a Mag called MaximimLinux,it failed after a year.
    This stuff about whats legal to have and do in and with Linux is IMHO a lot off *Bull*.
    Think that MS has its hands every where.
    I have turned away from the *gate*now to watch the rest try to find away out

    Re: Has anybody noticed


    It's not only Maximum Linux which has disappeared.
    Planete Linux, Login, etc... have gone too.
    The biggest problem of Linux is gaming.
    If fe AE would launch games for Linux, things would change.
    Another possibility for Linux is to go the Mac-way, so that Linux might run all Windows software.
    It seems Linux might follow this in the very near future after an update of Xorg, as I heard.
    With gaming and ease-of-install Linux would really be able to hit Microsoft.
    And all that is interesting gets the Press, sooner or later.




      Re: Has anybody noticed
      Also, some of the linux news sites, such as sometimes find news stories in non-linux places


        Re: Has anybody noticed

        Oh yea!! I tell you what...if I could run Urban Terror in kubuntu... it'd be good bye Windows!!! Instead, I've installed Windows on one hard drive, and Kubuntu on thing I like about Kubuntu are the names...rofl... "starting grub" rofl



          Re: Has anybody noticed

          I have messing with Linux since about "94"and the names still get me. Have you heard what MS is going to ask for its new OS,how about 400.00 for the top of the line.
          As Mr.T of TV land says "I pity the fool"
          This may get some to look else where I hope.
          I have turned away from the *gate*now to watch the rest try to find away out


            Re: Has anybody noticed

            Re. gaming on Linux: Try Cedega which is a commercial version of the Wine emulator specifically designed for gaming. I can't vouch for it personally because I am not a gamer, but I've heard that many (i.e. not all) popular games work with it.

