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No Screen saver just blank [fixed]

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    No Screen saver just blank [fixed]

    I just thought I would share this problem with the rest of you.

    Here's the background / problem:

    I installed Kubuntu Edgy on a test PC and loved it! One thing I noticed was the screen saver was not starting at the designated start time delay. All I would get would be a blank screen, sometimes a white “X” in different sizes in various locations on the screen. I tried changing to a different screen saver, but they all did this. I blew it off because it was a test PC.

    I then decided to install Kubuntu on my daily user PC because I liked it so much. Again I came across the same situation with the screen saver going blank. I then tried the following steps to try and correct the situation:

    1)Install all the screen saver packages Adept Manager had listed.
    2)Installing the proprietary Nvidia driver.
    3)Made sure my monitor was listed as the correct model.
    4)Completely reinstalled the OS and went through #'s 1-3 again.
    5)Added option DPMS line to /etc/x11/xorg.conf file.

    By this time I had searched the internet and spend hours on this annoying little problem. I wasn't going to let it get the best of me though. FINALLY I stumbled across what the problem was. Power saving was not enabled. I have the habbit of turning off the power management in every distro because I don't want the hard drive to cut off. Little did I know this is not that kind of power management. It just pertains to the monitor.

    Here's the fix:
    Go to System Settings>Monitor & Display>Power Saving tab and make sure the Enable Power Saving option is turned ON! I set mine to 5 hours, but that's up to you.

    I hope this helps someone and they don't have to go through what I did.

    Re: No Screen saver just blank [fixed]

    Another alternative is to use the lock screen button to start the screen saver.


      Re: No Screen saver just blank [fixed]

      Thanks for sharing the solution to an irritating problem.

