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How do you copy into folders that require ROOT access?

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    How do you copy into folders that require ROOT access?

    Another question for the masses

    After using the installers to install the Linux version of Quake4 and Doom3,
    I need to copy some additional pak files into their folders.

    Located in usr/local/games. These folders need root access for me to Copy the needed files BUT the OS won't let me.
    Says I don't have the root privledges needed. >

    It makes no difference what terminal I'm running in.

    I've even went back and tried to alter my User Privledges and that Crapped out as well...

    I'm all for Making it hard for others to access and alter my Files.
    But I'm the owner/admin for cryin out loud.

    Anyways any suggestions once again.
    I'm most Grateful...

    Re: How do you copy into folders that require ROOT access?

    Maybe this helps:

    Editing Files that Belong to Root

    Psychocats motherlode:
    Before you edit, BACKUP !

    Why there are dead links ?
    1. Thread: Please explain how to access old kubuntu forum posts
    2. Thread: Lost Information


      Re: How do you copy into folders that require ROOT access?


      could you please post the "feedback" to the console command ls -l /usr/local? And, just to make sure: what happens when you try sudo touch /usr/local/games/test.file?



        Re: How do you copy into folders that require ROOT access?

        Try this:

        From the menu go to "internet" then right click on "Konqueror" click the "Options" button, then select "Run as a different user" then just enter your password and click "OK" This should let you move/delete/etc all files even ones that require root permissions.


        (As you can tell I am use to doing tech support for Winblows still. LOL)


          Re: How do you copy into folders that require ROOT access?

          Running 'kdesu konqueror' (or creating a launcher with that command) is a quick way to run the file manager with root privileges.

