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Keyboard doesen't work

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    Keyboard doesen't work


    I have problems with my keyboard.

    It just died. I can't type any key except from when I aren't logged in.
    Then I can type some characters to login. But not all of them.
    But when I have logged in I can't type anything.

    I tried to start my computer with a livedisk and then my keyboard worked.
    I there checked my xorg.conf file and compared it to the one in my regular installation and the are the same.

    Section "InputDevice"
    Identifier "Generic Keyboard"
    Driver "kbd"
    Option "CoreKeyboard"
    Option "XkbRules" "xorg"
    Option "XkbModel" "pc104"
    Option "XkbLayout" "us"
    Is there anything more to do?

    I have a Logitech keyboard and I run Kubuntu 6,06.


    // Johan

    Re: Keyboard doesen't work

    I also have experienced similar keyboard problems since my upgrade to edgy, when my laptop initially boots the keyboard behaves really weird in kdm, but when I restart kdm (using the mouse, alt-e won't work) it suddenly behaves normally.


      Re: Keyboard doesen't work

      my keyboard doesn't work in kde - -

      it works everywhere else, gnome, fluxbox, windowmaker, gdm login, kdm login... -- but within kde the key presses do nothing

      i have tried 3 different keyboards. Microsoft, logitech and belkin ones.


        Re: Keyboard doesen't work

        I also have some keyboard issues. Upgraded Kubuntu form 6.06 to 6.10 Edgy.  All was working fine until I put the PC in suspend mode.  When it came out the keyboard would not work.  Closed out of the session and logged back in.  Keyboard worked fine to enter the ID and password, but would not work after KDE was launched.  The mouse worked fine.

        I reinstalled the kernel and tried to reinstall KDE and still have a problem.  The PC is a Dell Latitude D610 with a dual boot Window$ XP and Kubuntu.  Keyboard works fine on the XP side.  If I boot to a Linux command line, the keyboard works fine, so it must be something in KDE.

        Since I am a newbie, I'm not sure what to do or what to configure to fix the problem short of uninstalling Linux and completely reinstalling, and I really don't want to go that way.



          Re: Keyboard doesen't work

          You NEVER (well, hardly ever) have to reinstall (or even reboot) Linux to fix a problem. In the situation where your keyboard stops working when you start either KDE or the graphical user interface, you can probably fix things by booting into "recovery mode" (the second entry on the boot menu) and giving the command "dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg". (Enter your password, if asked.) This arcane bit of command line magic(not!) will allow you to reconfigure the debian package "xserver-xorg", where the xserver (provided by an organization called Xorg) is the software that manages input and output to and from the user. Don't change anything until you get to the section about the keyboard, then enter the particulars of your keyboard, if you see something that the installer guessed wrong about.


            Re: Keyboard doesen't work

            I have the exact same problem. It seems to have happened since I downloaded the latest Dapper updates (I think). Keyboard works to log in, but doesn't work at all once I get in. I used ssh to log in from another unix and tried your dpkg-reconfigure xserver-org suggetion, but got this message:

            joncrlsn@ubuntu1:/usr/share/X11$ sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-org
            Package `xserver-org' is not installed and no info is available.
            Use dpkg --info (= dpkg-deb --info) to examine archive files,
            and dpkg --contents (= dpkg-deb --contents) to list their contents.
            /usr/sbin/dpkg-reconfigure: xserver-org is not installed
            DESTROY created new reference to dead object ' Qt::VBoxLayout' during global destruction.

            Is this because I'm not in safety mode? I'm very short on time, so I don't have time to try.

            - Jon


              Re: Keyboard doesen't work

              Try dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg ! You might have much better luck. Spelling counts when using the command line, and there is no partial credit.

