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Need advice on new Kubu install workability

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    Need advice on new Kubu install workability

    Now that I am able to "catch a breath" with the pandemic caused situation I would like to take some time and install a new version of Kubu.

    I'm still running 19.04 but Dolphin is not recognizing a USB stick except upon the first notification. If I want to go back and access it later I have to go to "my name" / media / descriptor of the stick" in the side bar. I forgot who reccommeded that I do this but, again, THANK YOU

    However, it is just a hassle and I really should just move on to another version of the OS.

    My PROBLEM with a new install is that I have read threads that talk about how KDE connect is not working, or was not working, in certain of the new versions, but there was not a follow-on comment about how it began to work with updates etc.

    So, the thing for which I need advice from the kindly denizens of Kubu forums is this.

    Would people recommend a version of Kubu which does, indeed, have

    a) KDE connect working correctly
    b) and...umm..., also...umm... actually has access to printer drivers for my ancient LaserJet 6p printer and also, yes I know I should NOT have purchased it... HP Envy 4520 multi-function?

    I would also do NEON but I'm thinking that I should just stay with Kubu until all this "stuff" kind of recedes because Kubu is my working computer.

    Thanks ahead of time for any and all comments!


    I wish I could help you with Kontact, but I haven't used that thing in many a year.

    Within the past couple of months I have used Kubuntu 20.10 and then Kubuntu 20.04 on my laptop. Both have worked remarkably well in a variety of work and personal situations. In my work as a contractor with a government agency, the VPN that is required and installed on my government laptop does not always do the job, but my personal laptop running Kubuntu has not failed me yet with Zoom, MS Teams, or any other form of collaboration. I use Thunderbird as my email client, but can just as easily use webmail for my government account and it matters not to me. I'm just glad that my Kubuntu has never failed to wake up in the morning, where my government laptop overloaded with all its excesses of security crap and MS has been "in the shop" more than once.
    The next brick house on the left
    Intel i7 11th Gen | 16GB | 1TB | KDE Plasma 5.27.11​| Kubuntu 24.04 | 6.8.0-31-generic


      Hi jglen
      Thank you very much for the comment.
      I will take it to heart and will be downloading something this next week or so.
      if anyone else has comments please so post.

