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BigScreen KDE Plasma on Forum front page

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    BigScreen KDE Plasma on Forum front page

    I note with interest the item about a "bigscreen tv" KDE plasma.

    While wandering around reading various talking heads i finally figured out that it is:

    a) NOT another Plasma GUI for a KDE distro.
    b) FOR a Raspberry Pi installation.

    .debs for installing onto a hard drive on a regular desktop are in development.

    Which is very cool, I totally get it, but... just thought I'd bring up some history.

    FOR YEARS... the Plasma Media Center OPERATING SYSTEM...was made to ONLY go on a "tablet" because...well... that was the way it was "supposed to be" it was never intended to be a "mousey" application.

    The problem is...ummmmm that tablets are mostly ARM architecture and not i386. There was NEVER a release for a desktop or laptop, only ARM.

    And...ummmm...the ONLY tablet that it would work on was a Wacom Bamboo.

    Now, I really CAN see the point of focusing on a Raspberry install after all NOBODY wants an ugly old desktop tower sitting beside the brand new geeky beautiful new wall t.v.

    AND also...I CAN see the reason here... apparently it will work well with the various voice hardware that is now littering the advertising landscape so... the voice hardware will not only talk to your heating system and your front door monitor it will now allow you to talk to the Raspbery Pi and thereby the dedicated television thingys like HULU or Netflix or whatever..

    AND the Rapberry Pi community is just ON FIRE developing apps and interfaces and such for all sorts of neat stuff...

    and it sits nicely hidden away in a bookcase or somewhere and you can interact with either a remote "mouse / keyboard" or the VOICE or maybe in the future, a "touchscreen" large t.v.

    Back when I actally had a lot of money, before Obamacare, knocked all of the retired teachers out of teaching, I had actually travelled to a nearby large city and interacted with an HP and discovered something... you have to get up from the couch and walk over to touch it...Kind of like Castle from the t.v. series where he walks over to his large screen touch screen computer monitor and ...drags Kate's file into the waay too much work for about $4,000 !!!

    And... .this LAST YEAR...the college change ALL of the classroom / lab monitors out to...TOUCHSCREEN...and ya know what I noticed...they get "gommy" from people touching them!!! eeewww...

    Here is a monitor running Windoz.

    So... the important thing here is the VOICE capablity... Since MOST folks would, indeed, be using it to "watch t.v.'...

    the Devs may have actually made a GOOD decision here to go with Raspberry pi first...

    Especially if it can be sold at a generic "big box store" that sells wall t.v. whether touch or not.

    I had actually gone to 'one" of the many Raspberry Pi " forums " a week or so ago thinking that... since I am "self isolating" while the seated classes have been moved online and getting mightily BORED not interacting with students and only doing the remote thing ...that I would FINALLY actually try to make a Raspberry Pi or at least purchase a "premade" one that could fiddle with and, after I introduced myself as a "Ubuntu" user in the "introduce yourself" section and was promptly FLAMED by the users ) no I DID NOT log in as woodsmoke ) lol... so I disenrolled... and left...without letting the door hit me on the way out. lol...

    But, anyway...this really IS intriguing because my large screen wall t.v. WILL eventually go kaput...

    If anyone has any comments please post them.
