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Monitoring online useage

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    [KDE] Monitoring online useage

    Could anyone here point me at some software which will monitor what is happening when I go online, please?

    My useage figures, and therefore my costs, have been escalating over recent months far in excess of anything I could reasonably expect. I enquired of my ISP - Iprimus - thinking they might have some means of analysing traffic but all they could suggest was that I check my Autostart. I have done and find there Desktop File and Script File - could either of those contain anything untoward, please? (They seem to be not openable). I also had a look at Background Services which is a group of six entries only one of which - Directory Watcher - is running and at Startup Services which is a collection of 23 entries none of which seem to be internet related. Along the way I did find Akregator which is no use to me so I removed that from my system. But this month's bill has increased still further. I have been keeping a log of my useage and comparing it with the ISP log and can see where at least some of the excess is occurring but there is no recognisable pattern, no regular times of day, length of logon, content of what I am doing, etc. I would be willing to change my ISP but if the problem is within my own software then presumably it would just carry over? (I am using Kubuntu 18.04.)

    So I am wondering if I could find some software which could monitor just what happens when I go online and tell me. I have looked for monitoring programs via Package Manager but none seemed to be what I seek. If anyone could suggest any - or has experienced a similar problem - I would be much appreciative to hear.

    The tech support you spoke to is thinking you have Windows, which of course is of no use to you

    Are you looking for something to keep tabs on how many Gb of your monthly quota you have used?

    It look like you can check your usage from a dashboard or some section in your account login with iprimus

    There used to be a tool for this purpose, but it does not seem to be available anymore. Your service provider's info would be much more accurate anyhow.
    There are command line tools that can be used, but I am not sure how useful or complicated they would be to set up to show what you want.


      > Are you looking for something to keep tabs on how many Gb of your monthly quota you have used?

      No, I have that already, what I seek is an analysis of what each entry is composed, they being much higher than I can account for. My reasoning is that something else unauthorised is happening when I log on and inflating my 'consumption'.

      > There used to be a tool for this purpose, but it does not seem to be available anymore.

      Oh dear. :-(= That sounds like what I seek. I also thought I could remember something of the sort but searching did not find it.

      Can anyone else suggest anything (please!)?


        No, the program I recall ea a simple meter, unfortunately.

        I do not think such a thing exists, at least not something easy enough for us mere mortals

        I don't have any ideas at the moment, other than to ask what sort of online tasks you may do, such as movies, tv shows, gaming, and the like. An hour of decent quality TV or movie streaming (say on Netflix) is a minimum of 1Gb per hour as a good rule of thumb. Also, although it may be obvious, but anything *uploaded* also counts against you quota, sending an email, etc.

        I am dealing with this while i am here in your fine country for another month, as my only option for internet out here in the country is mobile data, so my cap has been 50Gb a month. I forgot that I set my phone to upload all my photos and videos automatically, and my video was set to record at 4k, which equals about 6gb for less than 30 minutes of video :O


          Well, the NSA is probably doing that now so you could ask them, LOL.

          It sounds like you are going to need to do some manual sleuthing. Is your issue that you suspect some application or another is secretly using internet time without your knowledge? If so you might look into iftop .

          It shows rates and totals of network usage for applications and such.

          Please Read Me

