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After three years of Gentoo

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    After three years of Gentoo

    I had enough of 'The Pain'
    Now I live in bliss with the Kubuntu

    Re: After three years of Gentoo

    Welcome to the community, enjoy the distro and your time.
    We do !


      Re: After three years of Gentoo

      I have to warn you, this installs in 30mins, meaning for the other 47 hours and 30 mins it would have taken Gentoo to install, you might have to actually do something productive on your new Kubuntu OS :P

      I realise this is only funny if you compiled your Gentoo the easier gentoo install is much like the Kubuntu install.
      <br /><br />*temp. hiatus from forums due to comp + net broken* :&#039;(


        Re: After three years of Gentoo

        I tried gentoo i loved gentoo gentoo had no love for me lmao to say the least. any how welcome! obtw if u ever get the itch maybe u could help me with my round at gentoo agian i hear u learn alot about linux using it


          Re: After three years of Gentoo

          Originally posted by Nirvana
          I have to warn you, this installs in 30mins, meaning for the other 47 hours and 30 mins it would have taken Gentoo to install, you might have to actually do something productive on your new Kubuntu OS :P
          Yes I noticed 
          Ubuntu install is a snap

          Originally posted by Nirvana
          I realise this is only funny if you compiled your Gentoo the easier gentoo install is much like the Kubuntu install.
          Well I might have exaterated a little, I used Gentoo several years afterall. Gentoo is compherensive and very flexible, documentation and community support are awesome too.

          But as I time went by compiling ie. emergin packages regularly started to feel tiresome task to do. And the latest upgrade to GCC from 3.4.6 -> 4.1.1 was quite fiasco for me. Broken ebuilds, packages not 4.1.1 ready and need to  mix unstable "~x86" packages to otherwise stable system to get the world compile felt wrong thing to do.

          Emergin system and world with gcc  4.1.1 took three days and  when emerge -e world was over  after several failures , konqueror (libkhtml) and some other important packages were broken, and the recomended cure was to emerge -e world once more !

          Pehaps if I have had installed clean 2006.1 I could have got system to a working state again but I downloaded kubuntu iso instead

