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ISS-sunrise Change the Splash Screen from Kubuntu to this one

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    [CONFIGURATION] ISS-sunrise Change the Splash Screen from Kubuntu to this one

    With most Linux distributions now days, Kubuntu included, you can modify the boot screen. This is where you usually see a customized logo for your version of Linux and a little spinning thing to indicate the computer is doing something in the background while you wait for the login screen to enter your password.

    The instructions below will assist you to change that boot up screen with an animated Earth sunrise from space using actual NASA images from the International Space Station.

    This is a plymouth theme called iss-sunrise modified from another theme called space-sunrise and Earth-sunrise. Gradually a sun rises with the KDE logo on it, and Earth lights up to a second ISS image. It’s quite spectacular. We assume in this tutorial you already have plymouth installed on your system. If not, time to check that out.

    1. Download the iss-sunrise.tar.gz by clicking the link in this sentence. Once you have the file downloaded extract the contents. It will create a directory called iss-sunrise.
    2. Copy this directory and it’s contents (in Ubuntu/Kubuntu) with this command:
      sudo cp -r ./iss-sunrise /usr/share/plymouth/themes
    3. You can skip this step for later if you just want to see what it looks like, but soon you will want to modify the file distro_name.png with something you like. The one included has my name on it. I used the GIMP to create it.
    4. Add the iss-sunrise theme to the Plymouth alternatives.

      This is a long line. Make sure you copy the whole thing, then paste it into a terminal.
      sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/share/plymouth/themes/default.plymouth default.plymouth /usr/share/plymouth/themes/iss-sunrise/iss-sunrise.plymouth 50
    5. Set the iss-sunrise theme as the default and choose the number of the line containing iss-sunrise.
      sudo update-alternatives --config default.plymouth
    6. Update the initramfs
      sudo update-initramfs -u
    7. Reboot!

    not bad ,,,in fact quite nice ,,,,all I had to do was extract and copy the iss-sunrise directory to the /usr/share/plymouth/themes and then use the system settings>startup and shutdown>boot to set it .

    this on Plasma-5.12 KDE-frameworks-5.43

    1 thing when the sun comes over the horizon the image display goes from full screen(1920x1080) to a much smaller area in the middle of the screen and yes one would want to change the "distro_name.png" ,,,,,,or you cold come confiscate the box as being obviously yours ,,,,,,,,,,,lol

    i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
    16GB RAM
    Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores

