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Installing SkypeforLinux

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    Installing SkypeforLinux

    This has been an odessy ...but it works.

    First, go to this site and download the LATEST skype .deb and try to install it. It might work for you but it did not for me, it did absolutely nothing as in nada, no response.

    If it does not install; as in with me, then KEEP THE .DEB but in terminal do these:

    sudo apt-get remove skype skype-bin:i386 skype:i386
    sudo apt-get install sni-qt:i386
    rm -rf ~/.Skype
    sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386
    sudo apt-get update
    Then go to this site and download the version of skype there.

    You will get an EARLIER version of skype ( for Precise) but just try to install it. It should say that it will work, then says that you have to install a lot of other packages using the command line.

    Install all of them starting from the top down.

    Partway down you will probably start getting messages that you already have the latest version installed but keep on going to the bitter end.

    Also..part way through you will get a restart notice, just go ahead through the list and when finished then reboot.

    After the reboot go to the FIRST...and newer, package and click it and it "should" install nicely.


    Open synaptic and search for "skype"

    you won't find anything installed or skype in Synaptice but you should then install:


    It will pull:


    whew!! after ALL should find in /kicker/ internet a nice new entry for: Skype for Internet Telephony ( Skype for Linux beta).

    And, it does, indeed, work.

    If there are any questions, as always, please ask.

    AND if anyone has an easier way to do this please so post.


    I'm on 14.04, just checked my personal setup notes for Kubuntu, found this note to self:
    Install Skype:

    You will have to go and enable the Ubuntu Partner repository to get skype in your package manager. In Muon, look for Software Sources >>Other Software tab >> and check the Canonical Partners box. Once you close out of that, it should refresh your package lists and Skype should be available.
    Has that changed for recent Kubuntu versions?
    An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


      no clue!
      So, I checked and no I do not have any partners therein, but i DO have the whole skype thing there! :0
      But, I'm sure that someone much smarter than I will drop by to elucidate the siteeatiun!


        When you d/l the Deb file did you get the option to "Open in Discover?"
        If you think Education is expensive, try ignorance.

        The difference between genius and stupidity is genius has limits.


          Just downloaded it, installed it and made a phone call to my wife in about two minutes.

          Why not just use Skype online?


            Originally posted by SpecialEd View Post
            When you d/l the Deb file did you get the option to "Open in Discover?"
            No because I default to Synaptic so I get an offer to open things with Ark. I always download and then click and usually get "getdebbie lol" to open it, depending on the package. Discover should open it.


            i'm glad that it "woiked for you" with one click! But then you are one of the smart ones around here.

            Because of Philosophy and I'm just a hardware kinda guy, if "Linux" has developers that try to do something within Linux then I'll try it.

            As to using the online app, I used it when I was Skyping from the Bahamas to my Biology classes a few years ago. The college very nicely set up the whole "rotating camera" so that I could see the student who was asking a question, I use a modified Socratic method to teach and do a lot of "question and answer" as in "the dialectic" ( not the political dialectic as in the description of how it was originally intended. Anyway, I have used it and, if I'm SCUBA in the future while teaching I'll probably use it again.

            good questions guys!

            Last edited by woodsmoke; Aug 05, 2017, 04:37 AM.


              Originally posted by whatthefunk View Post
              Just downloaded it, installed it and made a phone call to my wife in about two minutes.
              If you every need a copy of that phone call I'm positive the MS could supply you with a recording for a nominal fee!

              Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
              "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
              – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


                only YOU! gg!!


