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Open folder where attachment was saved Kmail has matured

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    Open folder where attachment was saved Kmail has matured

    I thought I'd wait on this a while but since I've been using Kmail to mail out curricula vitae to any and all colleges who use online instructors I've noticed that in terms of one VERY important thing Kmail has now matured, if the external e-mail system has the option, and that is:

    a) delivered and read options.

    b) but another thing which has worked consistently each and every time for the past several months:

    "open folder where attachment was saved".

    In other words, click an attachment and there are several options, one of which is to "save as". When that option is chosen the document flies through the electronic sphere to the folder and a bright green, kind of "Kelly" green, "bar" appears with the click-able message:

    "open folder where attachment was saved".

    When clicked the folder reliably opens and displays the interior of the folder, one can then click the document to open it.

    This is a very handy feature and, to this writer, is one of many small things which mark a "maturing" of Kmail.

    woodhasalwayslikeKmailbutwasjustIRRITATEDwiththewh olegmailthingbutitisfixedsmoke

    I always use a) so I can know if my email was read or tossed.
    "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
    – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.




