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Serious Deterioration in Kubuntu 16.04 LTS compared to Kubuntu 14.04 LTS

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    [KDE] Serious Deterioration in Kubuntu 16.04 LTS compared to Kubuntu 14.04 LTS

    1. The flexibility, functionality, and reliability of Kubuntu 16.04 is clearly much less than that of Kubuntu 14.04.

    2. The following are some examples:


    2.1.1. The ktimetracker application which was quite useful and used to work in Kubuntu 14.04 is no longer available in Kubuntu 16.04. There is no comparable replacement for 16.04.

    2.1.2. In Kubuntu 14.04, I could save the current time as shown by the digital clock to a Clipboard. This function is no longer available in 16.04.


    2.2.1. The flexibility in choosing time formats (I am using time in the general sense of year, month, day, hour, minutes, seconds, milliseconds, and so on; all these are nothing but units of time) that was available in Kubuntu 14.04 is no longer available in 16.04. In Kubuntu 14.04, I could choose a time format that is completely country-independent such as the following: yyyy MM dd hh mm ss which gives me the time such as 2017 05 21 04 10 31 (in the descending order of units). This is no longer possible in Kubuntu 16.04 in which time formats are tied to countries.


    2.3.1. Kubuntu 16.04 just hangs up and does nothing when the "spell check before send" function of Kmail is used. This did not happen in 14.04.

    2.3.2. Kubuntu 16.04 does not restore the previous session after a complete shut down and subsequent start up even though it was set up to do so. This kind of failure did not happen 14.04.

    3. The above are only some of the examples of the deterioration of Kubuntu 16.04 relative ro 14.04.

    4. Furthermore, I have noticed a steady deterioration in the functionality and performance of the KDE desktop since after Plasma 4.3 and the move to the Akonadi Server.

    5. There is no point in making mere cosmetic changes without, at the very least, maintaining existing functionality, flexibility, and reliability.

    Originally posted by Kabeer Sayeed View Post
    1. The flexibility, functionality, and reliability of Kubuntu 16.04 is clearly much less than that of Kubuntu 14.04.
    2.1.1. The ktimetracker application which was quite useful and used to work in Kubuntu 14.04 is no longer available in Kubuntu 16.04. There is no comparable replacement for 16.04.
    That package was abandoned by its developers. This has nothing to do with the Kubuntu developers.

    Originally posted by Kabeer Sayeed View Post
    2.1.2. In Kubuntu 14.04, I could save the current time as shown by the digital clock to a Clipboard. This function is no longer available in 16.04.
    Install xclip and run this command:
    date "+%H:%M:%S" | xclip
    Originally posted by Kabeer Sayeed View Post
    2.2.1. The flexibility in choosing time formats (I am using time in the general sense of year, month, day, hour, minutes, seconds, milliseconds, and so on; all these are nothing but units of time) that was available in Kubuntu 14.04 is no longer available in 16.04. In Kubuntu 14.04, I could choose a time format that is completely country-independent such as the following: yyyy MM dd hh mm ss which gives me the time such as 2017 05 21 04 10 31 (in the descending order of units). This is no longer possible in Kubuntu 16.04 in which time formats are tied to countries.
    Yes, this sucks.

    Originally posted by Kabeer Sayeed View Post
    2.3.1. Kubuntu 16.04 just hangs up and does nothing when the "spell check before send" function of Kmail is used. This did not happen in 14.04.

    2.3.2. Kubuntu 16.04 does not restore the previous session after a complete shut down and subsequent start up even though it was set up to do so. This kind of failure did not happen 14.04.
    Make threads about this issues here. Maybe somebody can help you resolve these problems.

    Originally posted by Kabeer Sayeed View Post
    4. Furthermore, I have noticed a steady deterioration in the functionality and performance of the KDE desktop since after Plasma 4.3 and the move to the Akonadi Server.
    Disable Akonadi.


      Serious Deterioration in Kubuntu 16.04 LTS compared to Kubuntu 14.04 LTS

      14.04 will be supported for another two years. Why move if you are happier with it? If you are exploring more recent releases then try KDE Neon User Edition. It's the best non-distro distro that I've every used in 19 years of using Linux.

      Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
      Last edited by GreyGeek; May 21, 2017, 05:35 PM.
      "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
      – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


        did you do a "new clean install" ,,,or an in place upgrade ?

        + even if you did do a clean install have you fully upgraded it with
        sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get  dist-upgrade

        i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
        16GB RAM
        Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


          As flexible as the users wish

          Digital clock

          KDE Forums:

          Improve Locale Configuration in Plasma 5 -
          time format:
          My Digital Clock:

          KDE Bugs/Wish

          Bug 355190 - copy current date/time into clipboard:
          -> [Digital Clock] Allow copying current date to clipboard:

          Not released but seems to work:

          More of the locales & configuration

          Bug 340982 - I cannot set my short date to YYYY-MM-DD, nor my time to HH:MM:
          Bug 376490 - KDE5 does not allow configuration of units of measure, time, or date format separate from the single value allowed by locale :

          KDE 4 vs 5, regional settings and dolphin:

          Locale Support in Qt 5:
          Last edited by Rog131; May 22, 2017, 02:39 AM.
          Before you edit, BACKUP !

          Why there are dead links ?
          1. Thread: Please explain how to access old kubuntu forum posts
          2. Thread: Lost Information

