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Question about Kubuntu(in general)

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    Question about Kubuntu(in general)

    I was just confused why on Kubuntu, when ever there are updates, you need to install new repositories. Why is it? Unlike Ubuntu, every updates is stored in a specific repositories. But in Kubuntu, each updates, you need to add new repository for the specific update. Example is, you need to add new repository to update to kde3.5.4. Then another repository to update amarok.

    Another question is on Adept.
    When updating updates on Adept, is there a way in which i would know how much estimated time to download the updates? Like what is shown in synaptic manager/update manager in ubuntu.

    Is there a way to browse or use SSH graphically? Like whats found in GNOME.

    I liked KDE more than GNOME. But there are things in GNOME that i cant find in KDE and vice versa. But i like KDE more than GNOME. For me, its much easier to customize than GNOME(thats for me only).

    I hope I can have answers to my questions.

    Re: Question about Kubuntu(in general)

    Originally posted by kenweill
    I was just confused why on Kubuntu, when ever there are updates, you need to install new repositories. Why is it? Unlike Ubuntu, every updates is stored in a specific repositories. But in Kubuntu, each updates, you need to add new repository for the specific update. Example  is, you need to add new repository to update to kde3.5.4. Then another repository to update amarok.
    You can use the linked repositories for packages (kde-latest, kde-stable, amarok-latest, amarok-stable, koffice-latest, koffice-stable) instead of the version specific repositories (like kde-354). That way you don't have to add new repository for every update.

    It usually takes a few days for the links to be updated to point to the new version...which also helps if there are some critical bugs in the new version (When kde-latest is updated to the new version, for example, it's usually been widely tested for a few days)

    AFAIK The main reason why these packages aren't put in the ubuntu main repositories is the policy of not adding anything but security fixes and minor updates to the main repositories after release to avoid introducing new bugs to a 'stable' release
    (The new versions will of course be included in the repositories of the current development/test version of (k)ubuntu, currently edgy eft 6.10)

    Another question is on Adept.
    When updating updates on Adept, is there a way in which i would know how much estimated time to download the updates? Like what is shown in synaptic manager/update manager in ubuntu.
    The status bar in adept manager shows the total download size for marked upgrades that you can use to estimate the download time, AFAIK there isn't a feature (yet) in adept that would automatically show the estimated (remaining) download time. Of course you can install and use synaptic on kubuntu if you prefer it's features.

    Is there a way to browse or use SSH graphically? Like whats found in GNOME.
    The fish:/ kio-slave is a handy way to browse ssh, just type
    (like fish://kenweill@homecomputer/)
    as address in konqueror to browse/edit/copy through ssh, is that what you want?


      Re: Question about Kubuntu(in general)

      The fish:/ kio-slave is a handy way to browse ssh, just type
      (like fish://kenweill@homecomputer/)
      as address in konqueror to browse/edit/copy through ssh, is that what you want?
      Yes. Thats exactly what I want.
      Thanks alot.

      You can use the linked repositories for packages (kde-latest, kde-stable, amarok-latest, amarok-stable, koffice-latest, koffice-stable) instead of the version specific repositories (like kde-354). That way you don't have to add new repository for every update.
      How exactly can I do that? I have never tried that.

      And by the way, thanx in advance.

      At this moment, im reinstalling everything since i made a mistake with my Ubuntu(GNOME) and break my GNOME. My account with, a sudo user, broke GNOME. Other accounts still work except the sudo user.

      Anyway, im replacing it with Kubuntu. I have installed kubuntu-desktop under Ubuntu before and now I want to try Kubuntu alone, without GNOME.


        Re: Question about Kubuntu(in general)

        Originally posted by kenweill
        Yes. Thats exactly what I want.
        the kio-slaves are very nice, you can find a full list in K-menu>Help>KIO-slaves

        Originally posted by kenweill
        You can use the linked repositories for packages (kde-latest, kde-stable, amarok-latest, amarok-stable, koffice-latest, koffice-stable) instead of the version specific repositories (like kde-354). That way you don't have to add new repository for every update.
        How exactly can I do that? I have never tried that.
        Just replace the numbered repositories in your sources.list with the linked ones, like this:
        deb dapper main
        deb dapper main


          Re: Question about Kubuntu(in general)

          Wow, nice tip on fish!

          I just used this to connect to one of my remote machines.  Normally I use Putty.

          Question:  I have a second remote host at that locale.  Using Putty, whenever I connect to the pc which 'answers' it's simply a matter of typing in ssh username:internal_ip_address to get over to the 2nd box.

          Basically what I'm saying is I'm connecting to the 1st in order to get to the second.  Is there a way to leapfrog this way using Fish?

