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Problem with latest Firefox update

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    Problem with latest Firefox update

    So on 14.04 LTS here and the latest Firefox recently dropped (v47.0) and I now have a problem with it in that the scroll wheel on the mouse looses focus for lack of a better description. In other words, it just stops working as intended, which is to mean vertical scrolling through the webpage. It seems to stop working after scrolling initially then stopping to read or whatever. The next time I go to scroll, it doesn't work. Oddly, if I tab over to any other application and click somewhere, and then tab back the functionality comes back but only for it's next single use, after which the problem initiates again. Has anyone else noticed this? A quick Mozilla search for matching bugs turned up nothing.
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    My firefox 47 gave me an edit problem. I couldn't edit text boxes on web pages. I disabled all the add-ons and rebooted. No joy. I removed ublock (which did NOT remove all of its config entries) but no joy. So, I entered "about:config"in the URL and scrolled through all the bold lines, resetting then, especially the "ublock" entries, although I don't think that was a problem. Then I activated pipelining (8 and 32) and rebooted. I can now edit text boxes and FF is much faster.

    I was using Chrome but recently Chrome has started barfing on YouTube videos, refusing to play them, and offering a lame excuse about "being busy", or, "the resource may have been removed", "try restarting Chrome", and several others. I began copying the URL and opening FF in order to see the video. Now that I have FF's editing ability fixed I am going to make FF my default browser until Google FIXES Chrome.
    Last edited by GreyGeek; Jun 24, 2016, 02:22 PM.
    "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
    – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


      I recently decided to move back to FF as well due to similar issues and an overall buggy-feel of Chrome - Like random hangs, etc. Surprisingly, and for reasons I'm not savy enough to inherently know, when it hangs and I go to KSysGuard there will often be 10 or more Chrome child processes hung and an attempt to kill each process begins until finally all of Chrome is dead. This in spite of the fact that I do not check the "allow Chrome to always run in the background" option.

      But the Firefox bug remains, sadly. It's not a big deal, just a nuisance I'd rather surf without. As far as editing text boxes goes, however, I've no issues there and have not experienced that myself, but glad you got it sorted!
      ​"Keep it between the ditches"
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        This just goes to point how browsers ebb and flow so to speak. One is up and the other is down. I've never moved to Chrome and not that I had anything against it. I didn't like the interface over FireFox's. All of that through the issues that were evident with FireFox and at this point I'm pleased with it's performance. I don't seem to have the stated issue in FireFox. Of course now that I write that I will!!

        Don't get me started on IE or Edge though!!


          My major problem was that Chrome wouldn't play half the YouTube videos I wanted to play, so I had to capture the URL and open it up in FF. However, FF wouldn't let me edit HTML text boxes, so I was in a catch-22. Google didn't offer any help for Chrome so I opted to fix FF and dump Chrome.
          "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
          – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


            I suspect that all issues with Firefox 46 and later version on K 14.04 are related to GTK3, and the actual user experience of issues will depend on which GTK3 theme you have - system settings > Application Appearance > GTK.

            See Firefox's file dialogue box runs like crap and [KDE] Firefox 46.0 UI issues.

            I'm using "Adwaita Elements" and (apart from looking all GTKish and not Oxygenish) the only main problem is a weird behaviour of the scrollbars - clicking in the background scrolls to that position, not scrolling by one page like every other app ever.
            I'd rather be locked out than locked in.


              Originally posted by MoonRise View Post
              Don't get me started on IE or Edge though!!
              ...IE...Hmmmm...I seem to recall there was such a thing. Around the same time I remember a certain paper-clip
              ​"Keep it between the ditches"
              K*Digest Blog
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                Originally posted by SecretCode View Post
                I suspect that all issues with Firefox 46 and later version on K 14.04 are related to GTK3, and the actual user experience of issues will depend on which GTK3 theme you have
                I recall there was a bug on Mozilla Long Ago and since forever that asked for an option to allow for better DE integration but that never happened. I wonder if a KDE user compiled FF on their own, without all of the Ubuntu "tweaks", if it would yield a better experience? In any case, I can't really see how Ubuntu tweaks for better Unity integration would be of any help to Kubuntu / KDE users at all.
                ​"Keep it between the ditches"
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                  Originally posted by dequire View Post
                  I recall there was a bug on Mozilla Long Ago and since forever that asked for an option to allow for better DE integration but that never happened. I wonder if a KDE user compiled FF on their own, without all of the Ubuntu "tweaks", if it would yield a better experience? In any case, I can't really see how Ubuntu tweaks for better Unity integration would be of any help to Kubuntu / KDE users at all.
                  apt policy xul-ext-ubufox
                  will show if they are installed.
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                  There's only one true answer my friend,
                  It's Adam Bloody West!

