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A little network help connecting Tanglu linux to Kubuntu 16.04 on home network

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    [CONFIGURATION] A little network help connecting Tanglu linux to Kubuntu 16.04 on home network

    I have two boxes and one has Tanglu, and this one is Kubuntu LTS latest version. How do I connect the two over my home network and copy files. A big plus would be to take control of the tanglu drive and move files.

    You'll be learning about NFS. There are many guides and how-tos out there; watch out for those that refer to "init" scripts for starting or restarting NFS, Kubuntu now uses systemd, I don't know about Tanglu.

    However the main point about my post is if you have need for a one-off, large, initial transfer, and one system is a desktop, it will be far faster to take out a drive from the other system and put it in the desktop temporarily (assuming the desktop has a spare SATA port, drive power plug, and a SATA cable). It is easy to remove the drive from most laptops, you just have to find the hatch that gives you access to it.

    (I needed to back up a laptop drive once and I used clonezilla over NFS, because the laptop didn't have any faster connection option. Hours later I thought of the above.)

    Regards, John Little
    Regards, John Little

