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Took the plunge from 12.04 LTS to 14.04 LTS - log on question and language install?

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    Took the plunge from 12.04 LTS to 14.04 LTS - log on question and language install?

    To prepare for the update I backed up yesterday and then did the update.

    Things went well except for a few glitches.

    After the install when I went to do an update / upgrade there were some things that wouldn't upgrade. I had to go to the other software tab and choose everything except CD Rom. Then it updated. Not sure if I picked up packages that I don't need but I assume that only Trusty stuff would be installed.

    When I re-boot there is always a notification in the taskbar showing that language support is incomplete. I'll install the packages but when I re-boot again I have to do it again. Any ideas why?

    I also notice that the update took up about 8% more hard drive. I went for 58% to 66%.
    Last edited by urdrwho5; May 06, 2016, 08:28 AM.