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how do I expand hard drive space

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    [CONFIGURATION] how do I expand hard drive space

    my hdd is divided into 4. I am getting warning about running out of space.
    1. I don't know where to display the HDD.
    2. i don't mind getting rid of OS files not needed for 16.04
    3. I am not comfortable embarking on this journey without a mentor to tutor me along the way.

    If you don't mind working with me over a week or so, I very much would appreciate your help/assistance.
    Using Linux only for a few years, using mostly mouse on GUI (sorry gurus). Kubuntu 19.04 beta on home-built: GigaByte board - AMD Phenom II, 3000 6 core, RAM 4 Gb,

    First off - glad to help and I doubt it will take a week

    To start, in your menu look in Applications > System > and select KDE Partition Manager. Once you enter your password, it will scan your drive and give us a list of each partition, what file system format you're using, and how much space there is and how much is available. Take a screenshot of the opening screen from the partition manager and post it here. Then we'll all know what you have currently

    What we do after that will depend on what we see and where you want to go with it. I suspect your hard drive is mostly empty but the partition you are using is filling up with your personally data. The best solution may be to move your home to another partition that's not being used for anything else. Other possibilities might include deleting an unused partition and expanding others. But we won't know until we see what's going on right now.

    Also posting a copy of /etc/fstab would be helpful

    Please Read Me


      I don't seem to have fstab on my computer.
      Click image for larger version

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      Last edited by Snowhog; Apr 29, 2016, 08:39 AM.
      Using Linux only for a few years, using mostly mouse on GUI (sorry gurus). Kubuntu 19.04 beta on home-built: GigaByte board - AMD Phenom II, 3000 6 core, RAM 4 Gb,


        Yeah, you have to have fstab or you have no mounted filesystems. That screenshot or the right is showing folders, fstab is a file. You'd have to scroll down past the folders to get to the files. Folders are usually listed first. Nevermind though, the screenshot of the partition manager tells me enough.

        Frankly, I don't see why you'd be getting messages telling you you're low on space. Your root partition is only 55% full. None of the other partitions are mounted. The only odd-ball thing I see is your swap shows 4GB in size but 9.52 used which is impossible. Likely not a coincidence that is the same amount reported being used by your root partition. Weird.

        So it appears you have a lot of stuff on sda5 and some stuff on sda3 and little or nothing on sda4 - but none of those is mounted. Any ideas what's on there? Guessing maybe a previous install is on sda3 based on the amount used, but just a guess.

        How would you like to proceed? BTW, that is only a 160GB hard drive not a 1TB drive. Any chance you have a second drive?

        Open KDE Partition Manager again and select the "View" menu and check the bot next to "Devices." A new window should open up to the left of the partition list showing all your drives.

        BTW, there's no easy way to do what you're asking without using the terminal, so now might be a good time to start learning to use it. Open up Konsole and type this: lsblk and hit enter. Then cut and paste the results to your next post.

        Please Read Me


          There's a similar message that can be reported when there's a permission problem on the Trash. Were you trying to delete something?
          Regards, John Little


            First, please accept my apology for starting a thread and not coming back. Household medical issues severely cut into my leisure time on this system. Not playing fair, I know.
            Not wanting to face you (figuratively) I attacked this on my own using gParted and 16.04 live disk. With a lot of trial and error, I was able to better balance free space. Oh and, I see you are right about the size of the drive, now I have to try to remember where I stuck my 1tB drive.
            After reading your reply I am now wondering if I have only postponed having to deal with an underlying issue.
            So, if you are still willing, I would like to know how to get rid of useless code. Yes, I have installed Kbuntu at least back to 14.04.
            BTW, I don't mind using terminal, it's just having been trained by Gates for decades, I don't open terminal until forced.
            Click image for larger version

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            Attached Files
            Using Linux only for a few years, using mostly mouse on GUI (sorry gurus). Kubuntu 19.04 beta on home-built: GigaByte board - AMD Phenom II, 3000 6 core, RAM 4 Gb,

