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Changing KMenu Button

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    Changing KMenu Button

    On some of the themes I have seen (which I have to add, i have NO idea how to install rofl).. there have been decent buttons for the KMenu, instead of the small square picture.

    Almost like the Windows Start menu button? I don't want windows start menu, I just want a button as big as it for the KMenu.. is it possible to just change that without actually having to learn how the heck to install a theme (I believe it's a big job of compiling or something)

    Any info/advice would be appreciated.

    I don&#39;t have a brain, I have a nucleus, basic functions are a doddle, yet ask me a question and I&#39;m dead.<br /><br />Tamed Nature

    Re: Changing KMenu Button

    Originally posted by Carol76
    On some of the themes I have seen (which I have to add, i have NO idea how to install rofl).. there have been decent buttons for the KMenu, instead of the small square picture.

    Almost like the Windows Start menu button? I don't want windows start menu, I just want a button as big as it for the KMenu.. is it possible to just change that without actually having to learn how the heck to install a theme (I believe it's a big job of compiling or something)
    You probably mean kbfx.

    Relevant packages are 'kbfx' and 'kubuntu-artwork-kbfx' in universe repository (you should find more themes in

    kbfx is a panel applet that can be used to 'replace' the standard k-menu icon (it has a differently arranged menu as well, but AFAIK you can use the standard menu with it too)

    The configuration can be done in control center, and you can add the applet by right-clicking on a panel.

    As for themeing (I assume you mean widget styles)...that is sort of a problem with (k)ubuntu, as there aren't many styles available from the repositories. Some theme/styles at kde-look do have an option to download a (k)ubuntu-package...and you can compile them from source (and use 'checkinstall' to deb-package them for easier management/removal)

    Also, many-styles are very versatile (like plastik and qtcurve, for example), you can create different 'flavors' by editing their settings in control center.

    That said, I'd certainly think it would be worthwhile to have a 'style-repository' which would possibly house deb-packages for the best themes/styles/decorations from kde-look


      Re: Changing KMenu Button

      Just press Alt-F2 and type
      kdesu konqueror
      Then go to /usr/share/icons/crystalsvg/48x48/apps/ and replace kmenu.png

      You may have to replace some other sizes as well (in addition to 48x48).

      Then press Alt-F2 and type
      killall kicker
      and then
      to refresh your panel.
      Linux is ready for the desktop--but whose desktop?<br />How to install software in Kubuntu


        Re: Changing KMenu Button

        Originally posted by aysiu
        Just press Alt-F2 and type
        kdesu konqueror
        Then go to /usr/share/icons/crystalsvg/48x48/apps/ and replace kmenu.png

        You may have to replace some other sizes as well (in addition to 48x48).

        Then press Alt-F2 and type
        killall kicker
        and then
        to refresh your panel.
        That changes the icon of the k-menu, if that's all you wish to do.

        If I understood correctly, Carol76 wanted the 'windows-like' button.

        Good idea to add the icon changing option for completeness, though


          Re: Changing KMenu Button

          Hi, Carol

          This is just a thought

          Try Settings>Appearance and Themes>Icons>Install New Themes

          find Noia KDE Theme

          It will change more than your Kmenu button, but it is a lovely theme (IMHO) that I think you would find more than acceptable, and will , at least, change your Kmenu button.

          My 2c


          Lowey (Being very sad today because we lost our Croc Hunter)
          I wish I was the man my dog thinks I am.<br /><br />Registered Linux User No. 402825


            Re: Changing KMenu Button

            I don&#39;t have a brain, I have a nucleus, basic functions are a doddle, yet ask me a question and I&#39;m dead.<br /><br />Tamed Nature

