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Does it exist?

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    Does it exist?

    Is there a site where one can enter their motherboard specs and see if a particular kernel update will improve their system? If not, maybe I should look into creating one

    There was such many years ago, but the plethora of mobos and the relative dearth of people with hardware to test the kernel finally did it in.

    By and large, generally, there are two kinds of "testers".

    a) people who are paid, either as a wage or in the form of test hardware provided by the hardware company
    b) people like you who take the plunge. Nowadays they mostly do it in a virtual machine, not so much actually putting it on bare metal. There IS an argument that with the improvement of both virtual machine software and the metal itself that doing the virtual machine is "the same" as putting it on metal.

    So.......... yes there used to be a relatively good attempt to have such a site and no there isn't or if there is it is incomplete at best. Here is such a site.

    It used to be a regular thing that a "distro" would have a dedicated subboard just for listing hardware compatibility. My main metier' was to install on as much hardware as possible in the heyday of the transition from the old PII and such to the beginnings of the present machines, but I have not seen one in quite a while.

    I usually still do a thread on the latest release on my present hardware, but haven't noticed that many read it.

    However, for a NEW distro the devs value such comments, no so much a mature OS like Kubuntu because it has been tested, at least tangentially, on a SELECTION of hardware, but....

    One of the reasons that we regularly get posters bemoaning the fact that the distro did not do well on their hardware and one of the functions of a forum is to help those folks.

    So...........after this somewhat convoluted and rambling reply..........

    If you want to do such a site, I think that probably a lot of people would look at it, but, the main problem is:

    How to actually get at valid information that can be put onto the site?


    hey, great question!

    It is people like you that get an idea and start running with it that make change happen!



      Phoronix is supposed to be something like that; but I'm not sure it is current these days, I get "search engine disabled" errors a lot.

      Regards, John Little
      Regards, John Little

