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lost my Krita toolbar

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    [KDE] lost my Krita toolbar

    I know this is not Krita forum, but I can't log in to that forum.
    If there is a Krita user that can just tell me how to get my tools back, I would appreciate it.
    For some reason, I undocked the toolbar, it subsequently disappeared and now I can't figure out how to get it back.
    Thanks in advance
    Using Linux only for a few years, using mostly mouse on GUI (sorry gurus). Kubuntu 19.04 beta on home-built: GigaByte board - AMD Phenom II, 3000 6 core, RAM 4 Gb,

    Try right clicking in an empty space of the top menu. It should pop up a list of tool bars from which you can select the one you need.
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    There's only one true answer my friend,
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      Ah HAH! Thanks elijathegold!
      Using Linux only for a few years, using mostly mouse on GUI (sorry gurus). Kubuntu 19.04 beta on home-built: GigaByte board - AMD Phenom II, 3000 6 core, RAM 4 Gb,

