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Are you a linux guru?

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    Are you a linux guru?

    Linux quiz from tecmint

    7 of 10 not so good

    the result of being a hardware kinda guy. lol



      Originally posted by woodsmoke View Post
      7 of 10 not so good

      the result of being a hardware kinda guy. lol

      I only got 5 of 10. But, then Im another one that can do hardware with my eyes closed. so....


        The quiz was made by a self-proclaimed guru. The lpr / lpq question is not the correct answer.


          ...and what defines a "non-commercial" linux distro? To me, any distro developed by a commercial enterprise is a commercial distro. Just because a commercial company gives away a product doesn't make it non-commercial. Fedora and Ubuntu are commercial distros. If those companies (Canonical and Red Hat) go out of business, the distros go with them.

          ...and "Macintosh" is a type of Apple computer, not an operating system at all. The original Mac OS was just called "System" then it became "Mac OS" then "OS X" and they're all based on BSD, not Linux.

          ...and who's ever heard of or used the phrase "Own Computer" when referring to a network address? The answer should be "localhost" not some random phrase the author made up.

          By my count, 7 of the 10 questions are incorrectly written, poorly phrased or answered incorrectly. A useless and stupid quiz by any measure. I won't be going to that website again.

          Please Read Me


            i got 8/10 but i have to agree with taht mackentosh is not a system type . i assume they mean powerPC... and wtf do i care what redhat runs on ... i can look that up when i install.

            there is some odd wording on those questions

            i always thougth it was #! that was the shebang.. not #!/bin/bash
            Last edited by sithlord48; Nov 02, 2015, 01:21 PM.
            Mark Your Solved Issues [SOLVED]
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              Originally posted by sithlord48 View Post
              i always thougth it was #! that was the shebang.. not #!/bin/bash
              Yeah, they got that one wrong too. From the Wiki:

              In computing, a shebang (also called a sha-bang,[1][2][3] hashbang,[4][5] pound-bang,[2][6] or hash-pling[2][7]), is the character sequence consisting of the characters number sign and exclamation mark (that is, "#!") at the beginning of a script.
              Assuming the Wiki is right, the question should have asked about "#!" if they were looking for "shebang." Then, the correct answer is "A and B is correct" (shebang and hashbang) not just "shebang." They got both the question and the answer wrong...
              Last edited by oshunluvr; Nov 02, 2015, 01:54 PM.

              Please Read Me


                I reversed myself and went back to the site and read a couple other postings there. We should really do something about that site - misspellings and misinformation all over the place. They've go no business declaring themselves "gurus" of anything IMO.

                For fun, here's a break down of the so-called "quiz" question by question:

                1) Which command is used to count the total number of lines, words and character in a file?
                Their answer: "wc" is correct. 1 good one, 9 to go...

                2) Which command is used to remove the directory?
                Their answer: "rmdir" is correct. 2 good.

                3) Which hardware architectures are not supported by Red Hat?
                Their answer: "Macintosh" is WRONG. Mackintosh is NOT a hardware architecture. The correct choices might include Motorola 86000 (and variants), PowerPC, or x86 - all three of which have been used in Mackintoshes over the years. x86s are supported by Red Hat the others are not. Bad question and incorrect answer.

                4) Which of the following is not a communication command?
                Their answer: "grep" is correct. 3 on the plus side.

                5) #!/bin/bash is commonly called as
                The question is flawed because their answer: "shebang" would be (only partially) correct IF the question was about "#!" not "#!/bin/bash". You could argue that including the interpreter along with the shebang doesn't disqualify the question, however "hashbang" is also correct so the answer is incorrect regardless. Both "shebang" and "hashbang" are acceptable.

                6) Which is the world’s largest non-commercial Linux distribution
                Their answer: "Debian." 4 correct.

                7) What does GNU stands for?
                Their answer: "Gnu’s not Unix." 5 correct.

                8) What command is used to add printing jobs to the queue?
                SHENANIGANS: This morning, they had "lpq" as the answer which is incorrect. The have since changed it to "lpr" which is correct. No credit for this one since they originally published the wrong answer.

                9) is the address of?
                Their answer: "Own Machine." I have no idea what this means. localhost, home, loopback, or current machine would all be acceptable. Own Machine sounds like you're buying a PC on credit and you've paid it off or something.

                10) Macintosh is a variant of?
                Their answer: "Unix" is incorrect in at least two ways. First, "Macintosh" isn't an operating system so can't be compared to Unix at all - apples-to-oranges there (sorry, couldn't resist the pun ). Second, OS X - the current Macintosh OS, is based on BSD, not Unix. BSD is derivative of Unix, so maybe you could stretch that one - but only if they asked about OS X or the two other names Apple has used (System and Mac OS).

                5 out of 10. A solid "F" when I went to school. Combined with the numerous misspellings, poor punctuation, poor question structuring, malfunctioning website pieces (try retaking the quiz like they say you can, I couldn't get it to work), and so on think this website should die. For the record, I got a 5 out of 10 (which changed to a 6 when they fixed the lpq/lpr answer) but had the questions and answers been written correctly, I would have scored 9.

                It occurred to me when I re-read what I had written above, it seems likely the quiz author isn't a native English speaker. That is not an excuse. If you're going to write in a language not your own and put yourself up as a "guru" have someone else proof-read and for goodness sake, check your answers.

                Please Read Me


                  Classic low-quality click-bait-ish ad serving page and website. I am sure that they do try a little to be helpful, but English is not their forte.

                  Sent from my LG G4


                    As I see many sites like this, almost on a daily basis, I wonder if this is perhaps correct, or at least understandable, English for the Indian English language market.

                    Sent from my LG G4


                      not sure if im a guru but i do seam to answer more questions then i ask...
                      Mark Your Solved Issues [SOLVED]
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                        I posted on the website and they actually allowed the original comment I made and asked for my thoughts on which questions were wrong! Funny. I'm probably helping an ad-farm but at least the information will be more correct.

                        Please Read Me


                          This is a dissapointment, quiz was mad by technically challenged people

                          Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S5 using Tapatalk
                          Registered Linux User 545823

