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    [DESKTOP] Question:

    How do I made the Kubuntu 14.10 Plasma program adjust my screen to 1600 x 900 like I can in windows?

    It is looking weird to me. (Windows) I can right click, screen resolution, and then select the resolution that I require. But, I don't know where to go to
    adjust the resolution for a higher rating in Kubuntu without using the stitch option?

    I hope I have worded this properly.

    P.S. It is running within. Oracle VM 4.3.22 along side Windows 7 (shelled)
    Last edited by Malikius; Feb 18, 2015, 12:10 PM.

    I adjust screen resolution through system settings, then display and monitor. Clcik the cube with 4 arrows to set res


      Originally posted by Malikius View Post

      P.S. It is running within. Oracle VM 4.3.22 along side Windows 7 (shelled)
      This could be an issue, Did you install the Virtualbox Guest Additions installed? Have you looked at System Settings to change the resolution there?
      I find often that in a VM, the virtual hardware can limit the choices of resolution that are available.


        I'm a brand newbie so I have not idea where those locations and Programs are located. Just installed Kubuntu 14 today.
        claydoh I don't think it's a Virtualbox Guest Additions I just downloaded the VM program and updated it to the newest one and then there was Security certificate update.
        Is there something else that I need to do to higher the resolution with either of VM or Kubuntu. I'm a expert with Windows (moans loudly) but a newbie with Linux.
        Sorry to ask so many questions.


          if you have kubuntu running inside a vm you will need to install the Virtualbox Guest Addions onto the guest os , you can do this by running the guest OS and selecting Insert guest addions cd from the devices menu. that will "insert" the cd into the guest os so you can install it . open the file manager in kubuntu and you should be able to run the installer.
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            In Virtualbox, one usually need to install the Guest Additions inside the VM in order to get better hardware support. This is independent from which OS is running inside it.

            This link shows you what to do, it still is valid for newer Guest OSs in Virtualbox. You should be able to ignore the "Mount manually" section, as it is not normally needed and there only if something does not work.

            Note that 15.04 as a pre-release, may not work 100% in all areas as the Ubuntu base we have and the new Plasma 5 are both in pre-release states right now. You may not get the resolution you need until (K)Ubuntu Vivid is officially released, and/or Vbox is updated to address this (if needed).

