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conky stuff

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    conky stuff

    Here's my script
    # A comprehensive conky script, configured for use on
    # Ubuntu / Debian Gnome, without the need for any external scripts.
    # Based on conky-jc and the default .conkyrc.
    # - tail of /var/log/messages
    # - netstat connections to your computer
    # -- Pengo (
    # Create own window instead of using desktop (required in nautilus)
    own_window yes
    own_window_type override
    own_window_hints below
    # Use double buffering (reduces flicker, may not work for everyone)
    double_buffer yes
    # fiddle with window
    use_spacer yes
    use_xft no
    # Update interval in seconds
    update_interval 3.0
    #Maximum Width of Window
    maximum_width 320
    # Minimum size of text area
    # minimum_size 250 5
    # Draw shades?
    draw_shades no
    # Text stuff
    draw_outline no # amplifies text if yes
    draw_borders no
    font arial
    uppercase no # set to yes if you want all text to be in uppercase
    # Stippled borders?
    stippled_borders 3
    # border margins
    border_margin 5
    # border width
    border_width 6
    # Default colors and also border colors, grey90 == #e5e5e5
    default_color FFFFCC
    own_window_colour brown
    own_window_transparent yes
    # Text alignment, other possible values are commented
    #alignment top_left
    alignment top_right
    #alignment bottom_left
    #alignment bottom_right
    # Gap between borders of screen and text
    gap_x 25
    gap_y 50
    # stuff after ‘TEXT’ will be formatted on screen
    ${color CC9900}SYSTEM ${hr 2}$color
    $nodename $sysname $kernel on $machine
    ${color CC9900}CPU ${hr 2}$color
    AMD E1-1200
    Total CPU: ${cpu cpu0}%
    ${color 597DB2}${cpubar}$color
    ${cpugraph 000000 597DB2}
    Core 1: ${freq 1} MHz        Temprature: $color ${exec sensors|grep 'Core0'|awk '{print $3}'}
    ${cpu cpu1}% ${color 597DB2}${cpubar cpu1}$color
    Core 2: ${freq 2} MHz        Temprature: $color ${exec sensors|grep 'Core1'|awk '{print $3}'}
    ${cpu cpu2}% ${color 597DB2}${cpubar cpu2}$color
    NAME            PID     CPU%      MEM%
    ${color CCFFFF}${top name 1} ${top pid 1} ${top cpu 1} ${top mem 1}
    ${top name 2} ${top pid 2} ${top cpu 2} ${top mem 2}
    ${top name 3} ${top pid 3} ${top cpu 3} ${top mem 3}
    ${top name 4} ${top pid 4} ${top cpu 4} ${top mem 4}$color
    ${color CC9900}MEMORY ${hr 2}$color
    RAM Used: ${mem}    RAM Free: ${memfree}/ ${memmax}
     RAM: $memperc%  ${color FF6600} ${membar 6}$color
    Swap: $swapperc%   ${color FF6600} ${swapbar 6}$color
    ${color CC9900}DISK ${hr 2}$color
    Root ${fs_type}  ${fs_free_perc /}% ${color FFFF33} ${fs_bar 6 /}$color
    ${color CC9900}NETWORK (${addr eth0}) ${hr 2}$color
    Down: $color${downspeed eth0} k/s ${alignr}Up: ${upspeed eth0} k/s
    ${downspeedgraph eth0 25,140 000000 ff0000} ${alignr}${upspeedgraph eth0
    25,140 000000 00ff00}$color
    ${color CC9900}Uptime ${hr 2}$color
    ${font Ubuntu:bold:size=72}${color EAEAEA}${alignc}${time %H:%M}
    ${alignc}${color EAEAEA}${time %A} ${time %d} ${time %B}
    Trying to make the time and date large. Tried setting the size to 172 and nothing happened. It stays the same size as everything else. Barely starting to understand conky. I'm sure it uses some resources, but doesnt seem to slow the system much. It's already slow, but it was free (abandoned in a house father in law cleaned).

    Read through this thread: How to change conky font size?
    Last edited by Snowhog; Feb 04, 2015, 01:49 AM.
    Windows no longer obstructs my view.
    Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
    "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


      That worked. Will have to play with it a little to get columns of my top4 pids lined up, but that shouldn't be too hard

      What I love about this forum is that someone always knows where to find the inf someone else is looking for


        Originally posted by vsreeser View Post
        That worked. Will have to play with it a little to get columns of my top4 pids lined up, but that shouldn't be too hard

        What I love about this forum is that someone always knows where to find the inf someone else is looking for
        I use top 3 in cpu load and mem load ,,,,like this .

        Highest CPU $alignr CPU% MEM%
        ${color E40016}${top name 1}$alignr${top cpu 1}${top mem 1}${color}
        ${color d2d00a}${top name 2}$alignr${top cpu 2}${top mem 2}${color}
        ${color 0538ab}${top name 3}$alignr${top cpu 3}${top mem 3}${color}
        Highest MEM $alignr CPU% MEM%
        ${color E40016}${top_mem name 1}$alignr${top_mem cpu 1}${top_mem mem 1}${color}
        ${color d2d00a}${top_mem name 2}$alignr${top_mem cpu 2}${top_mem mem 2}${color}
        ${color 0538ab}${top_mem name 3}$alignr${top_mem cpu 3}${top_mem mem 3}${color}
        screenshot ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

        just conky,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

        and desktop,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,

        i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
        16GB RAM
        Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


          Originally posted by vinnywright View Post
          I use top 3 in cpu load and mem load ,,,,like this .

          Highest CPU $alignr CPU% MEM%
          ${color E40016}${top name 1}$alignr${top cpu 1}${top mem 1}${color}
          ${color d2d00a}${top name 2}$alignr${top cpu 2}${top mem 2}${color}
          ${color 0538ab}${top name 3}$alignr${top cpu 3}${top mem 3}${color}
          Highest MEM $alignr CPU% MEM%
          ${color E40016}${top_mem name 1}$alignr${top_mem cpu 1}${top_mem mem 1}${color}
          ${color d2d00a}${top_mem name 2}$alignr${top_mem cpu 2}${top_mem mem 2}${color}
          ${color 0538ab}${top_mem name 3}$alignr${top_mem cpu 3}${top_mem mem 3}${color}
          Borrowed this from you. Can't get it transparent though. Added own_windows_transparent yes but no change

          Here's what it looks like now
          Click image for larger version

Name:	snapshot1.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	40.1 KB
ID:	642727


            Windows no longer obstructs my view.
            Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
            "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


              Tried the things listed on the link. Still not transparent. There must be someting else overriding it.

              Here it is again if any conky gurus come strolling by

              # UBUNTU-CONKY
              # A comprehensive conky script, configured for use on
              # Ubuntu / Debian Gnome, without the need for any external scripts.
              # Based on conky-jc and the default .conkyrc.
              # INCLUDES:
              # - tail of /var/log/messages
              # - netstat connections to your computer
              # -- Pengo (
              # Create own window instead of using desktop 
              own_window yes
              own_window_type override
              own_window_transparent yes
              own_window_argb_visual yes
              own_window_hints undecorated,below,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager
              # Use double buffering (reduces flicker, may not work for everyone)
              double_buffer yes
              # fiddle with window
              use_spacer yes
              use_xft yes
              # Update interval in seconds
              update_interval 3.0
              #Maximum Width of Window
              maximum_width 380
              # Minimum size of text area
              # minimum_size 250 5
              # Draw shades?
              draw_shades no
              # Text stuff
              draw_outline no # amplifies text if yes
              draw_borders no
              font arial
              uppercase no # set to yes if you want all text to be in uppercase
              # Stippled borders?
              stippled_borders 3
              # border margins
              border_margin 5
              # border width
              border_width 6
              # Default colors and also border colors, grey90 == #e5e5e5
              default_color FFFFCC
              # Text alignment, other possible values are commented
              #alignment top_left
              alignment top_right
              #alignment bottom_left
              #alignment bottom_right
              # Gap between borders of screen and text
              gap_x 25
              gap_y 50
              # stuff after ‘TEXT’ will be formatted on screen
              $color${font Ubuntu:size=8}
              ${color CC9900}SYSTEM ${hr 2}$color
              $nodename $sysname $kernel on $machine
              ${color CC9900}CPU ${hr 2}$color
              ${execi 1000 cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep 'model name' | sed -e 's/model name.*: //'| uniq}
              Total CPU: ${cpu cpu0}%
              ${color 597DB2}${cpubar}$color
              ${cpugraph 000000 597DB2}
               Core 1: ${freq 1} MHz
              #        Temprature: $color ${exec sensors|grep 'Core0'|awk '{print $3}'}
              ${cpu cpu1}% ${color 597DB2}${cpubar cpu1}$color
               Core 2: ${freq 2} MHz
              #        Temprature: $color ${exec sensors|grep 'Core1'|awk '{print $3}'}
              ${cpu cpu2}% ${color 597DB2}${cpubar cpu2}$color
              Highest CPU $alignr CPU% MEM%
              ${color E40016}${top name 1}$alignr${top cpu 1}${top mem 1}${color}
              ${color d2d00a}${top name 2}$alignr${top cpu 2}${top mem 2}${color}
              ${color 00ff00}${top name 3}$alignr${top cpu 3}${top mem 3}${color}
              Highest MEM $alignr CPU% MEM%
              ${color E40016}${top_mem name 1}$alignr${top_mem cpu 1}${top_mem mem 1}${color}
              ${color d2d00a}${top_mem name 2}$alignr${top_mem cpu 2}${top_mem mem 2}${color}
              ${color 00ff00}${top_mem name 3}$alignr${top_mem cpu 3}${top_mem mem 3}${color}
              ${color CC9900}MEMORY ${hr 2}$color
              RAM Used: ${mem}    RAM Free: ${memfree}/ ${memmax}
              RAM : $memperc%  ${color 66FF66} ${goto 70}${membar 6}$color
              Swap: $swapperc% ${color 66FF66}${goto 70}${swapbar 6}$color
              ${color CC9900}DISK FREE${hr 2}$color
              Root ${fs_type}  ${fs_free_perc /}% ${color FFFF33} ${fs_bar 6 /}$color
              ${color CC9900}NETWORK (${addr eth0}) ${hr 2}$color
              Down: $color${downspeed eth0} k/s ${alignr}Up: ${upspeed eth0} k/s
              ${downspeedgraph eth0 25,140 000000 ff0000} ${alignr}${upspeedgraph eth0
              25,140 000000 00ff00}$color
              ${color CC9900}Uptime ${hr 2}$color
              ${font Ubuntu:bold:size=20}${color EAEAEA}${alignc}${time %H:%M}
              ${alignc}${color EAEAEA}${time %A} ${time %d} ${time %B}


                Changed own_window to normal and transparent works


                  hear is my hole .conkyrc ,,,,,,,,,,,,mostly borrowed from @Snowhog

                   background no
                   use_xft yes
                  xftfont Ubuntu Mono:size=9
                  update_interval 3.0
                  total_run_times 0
                  own_window yes
                  own_window_type normal
                  own_window_argb_visual true
                  own_window_transparent yes
                  own_window_hints undecorated,below,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager
                  double_buffer yes
                  minimum_size 220 5
                  maximum_width 220
                  draw_shades no
                  draw_outline no
                  draw_borders no
                  draw_graph_borders yes
                  default_color gray
                  #default_shade_color black
                  alignment top_right
                  gap_x 12
                  gap_y 35
                  cpu_avg_samples 2
                  override_utf8_locale yes
                  uppercase yes # set to yes if you want all text to be in uppercase
                  ${color gray}SYSTEM ${hr 1}${color}
                  Hostname: $alignr$nodename
                  Kernel: $alignr$kernel
                  Release: $alignr${pre_exec lsb_release -rs | awk '{print $1}'}
                  Codename: $alignr${pre_exec lsb_release -cs | awk '{print $1}'}
                  Desktop: ${alignr}KDE ${pre_exec kde4-config --version | grep KDE | awk '{print $4}'}
                  Uptime: $alignr$uptime
                  #Temperatures: ${alignr}GPU ${intel temp}°C
                  #${alignr}Core0 ${execi 5 sensors | grep "Core 0" | awk '{print $3}' | cut -c2-3}°C
                  ${color 0538ab}Avgerage: ${execi 8 sensors | grep -A 0 'temp1' | cut -c14-19 | sed '/^$/d'}°C $alignr${execi 8 sensors -f | grep -A 0 'temp1' | cut -c14-19 | sed '/^$/d'}°F${color}
                  Core 1  : ${execi 8 sensors | grep -A 0 'Core 0' | cut -c14-19 | sed '/^$/d'}°C $alignr${execi 8 sensors -f | grep -A 0 'Core 0' | cut -c14-19 | sed '/^$/d'}°F
                  Core 2  : ${execi 8 sensors | grep -A 0 'Core 1' | cut -c14-19 | sed '/^$/d'}°C $alignr${execi 8 sensors -f | grep -A 0 'Core 1' | cut -c14-19 | sed '/^$/d'}°F
                  Core 3  : ${execi 8 sensors | grep -A 0 'Core 2' | cut -c14-19 | sed '/^$/d'}°C $alignr${execi 8 sensors -f | grep -A 0 'Core 2' | cut -c14-19 | sed '/^$/d'}°F
                  Core 4  : ${execi 8 sensors | grep -A 0 'Core 3' | cut -c14-19 | sed '/^$/d'}°C $alignr${execi 8 sensors -f | grep -A 0 'Core 3' | cut -c14-19 | sed '/^$/d'}°F
                  CPU: ${alignr}${freq} MHz
                  Processes: ${alignr}$processes ($running_processes running)
                  Load: ${alignr}$loadavg
                  CPU1 ${alignr}${cpu cpu1}%
                  ${color 00af00}${cpubar 4 cpu1}${color}
                  CPU2 ${alignr}${cpu cpu2}%
                  ${color 00af00}${cpubar 4 cpu2}${color}
                  CPU3 ${alignr}${cpu cpu3}%
                  ${color 00af00}${cpubar 4 cpu3}${color}
                  CPU4 ${alignr}${cpu cpu4}%
                  ${color 00af00}${cpubar 4 cpu4}${color}
                  Ram ${alignr}$mem / $memmax ($memperc%)
                  ${color 00af00}${membar 4}${color}
                  swap ${alignr}$swap / $swapmax ($swapperc%)
                  ${color 00af00}${swapbar 4}${color}
                  Highest CPU $alignr CPU% MEM%
                  ${color E40016}${top name 1}$alignr${top cpu 1}${top mem 1}${color}
                  ${color d2d00a}${top name 2}$alignr${top cpu 2}${top mem 2}${color}
                  ${color 0538ab}${top name 3}$alignr${top cpu 3}${top mem 3}${color}
                  Highest MEM $alignr CPU% MEM%
                  ${color E40016}${top_mem name 1}$alignr${top_mem cpu 1}${top_mem mem 1}${color}
                  ${color d2d00a}${top_mem name 2}$alignr${top_mem cpu 2}${top_mem mem 2}${color}
                  ${color 0538ab}${top_mem name 3}$alignr${top_mem cpu 3}${top_mem mem 3}${color}
                  ${color gray}Filesystem ${hr 1}${color}
                  Root: ${alignr}${fs_free /} / ${fs_size /} 
                  ${color 00af00}${fs_bar 4 /}${color}
                  Disk: ${alignr}${fs_free /mnt/btrfs} / ${fs_size /mnt/btrfs}
                  ${color 00af00}${fs_bar 4 /mnt/btrfs}${color}
                  ${color gray}NETWORK ${hr 1}${color}
                  Down ${downspeed wlan0} k/s ${alignr}Up ${upspeed wlan0} k/s
                  ${downspeedgraph wlan0 25,107 0000ff 00ff00 scale -t -l}${alignr}${upspeedgraph wlan0 25,107 d0c40c 6b0853}
                  Total ${totaldown wlan0} ${alignr}Total ${totalup wlan0}
                  ${image /home/vinny/Downloads/banner1.png -p 0,950 -s 234x30}
                  I did not see "background no" in yours .

                  PS: any where you see "${color E40016}" the #'s can be changed ,,,,,,just use a color picker(like in system settings>applacation apperance>colors>colors and click a background,txt, color ) and use the HTML code you see for the color.

                  i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
                  16GB RAM
                  Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


                    Got transparent working now. My cpu and hdd temp sensors don't seem to work. Or, I haven't figured out which ones they are. Not critical I guess, I printed a 6-digit hex code chart. Raced inkjet and laser. Gave inkjet 10 second head start and the laser still won.


                      Originally posted by vsreeser View Post
                      Got transparent working now. My cpu and hdd temp sensors don't seem to work. Or, I haven't figured out which ones they are. Not critical I guess, I printed a 6-digit hex code chart. Raced inkjet and laser. Gave inkjet 10 second head start and the laser still won.
                      LOL ,,,,,do you have
                      vinny@vinny-Bonobo-Extreme:~/Pictures$ apt show lm-sensors
                      Package: lm-sensors
                      Priority: extra
                      Section: universe/utils
                      Installed-Size: 423 kB
                      Maintainer: Ubuntu Developers <>
                      Original-Maintainer: Aurelien Jarno <>
                      Version: 1:3.3.4-2ubuntu1
                      Depends: sed (>= 4.0.5-1), lsb-base (>= 3.2-13), init-system-helpers (>= 1.13~), libc6 (>= 2.4), libsensors4 (>= 1:3.1.1), perl
                      Suggests: fancontrol, sensord, read-edid, i2c-tools
                      Download-Size: 84.6 kB
                      Origin: Ubuntu
                      APT-Manual-Installed: no
                      APT-Sources: trusty/universe amd64 Packages
                      Description: utilities to read temperature/voltage/fan sensors
                       Lm-sensors is a hardware health monitoring package for Linux. It allows you
                       to access information from temperature, voltage, and fan speed sensors. It
                       works with most newer systems.
                       This package contains programs to help you set up and read data from

                      i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
                      16GB RAM
                      Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


                        Originally posted by vinnywright View Post
                        LOL ,,,,,do you have


                        LM-sensosrs installed. not sure how to use this
                        virgil@reeser-20-b011:~$ sensors -f -u
                        Adapter: PCI adapter
                          temp1_input: 48.000
                          temp1_crit: 120.000
                          temp1_crit_hyst: 90.000
                        Adapter: PCI adapter
                          temp1_input: 48.750
                          temp1_max: 70.000
                          temp1_crit: 100.000
                        It does show it's picking up something, but how do I use the info? Something of a control freak with the computer. maybe info-freak would be a better word


                          Originally posted by vsreeser View Post
                          LM-sensosrs installed. not sure how to use this
                          virgil@reeser-20-b011:~$ sensors -f -u
                          Adapter: PCI adapter
                            temp1_input: 48.000
                            temp1_crit: 120.000
                            temp1_crit_hyst: 90.000
                          Adapter: PCI adapter
                            temp1_input: 48.750
                            temp1_max: 70.000
                            temp1_crit: 100.000
                          It does show it's picking up something, but how do I use the info? Something of a control freak with the computer. maybe info-freak would be a better word
                          I gave you the code,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

                          #Temperatures: ${alignr}GPU ${intel temp}°C
                          #${alignr}Core0 ${execi 5 sensors | grep "Core 0" | awk '{print $3}' | cut -c2-3}°C
                          ${color 0538ab}Avgerage: ${execi 8 sensors | grep -A 0 'temp1' | cut -c14-19 | sed '/^$/d'}°C $alignr${execi 8 sensors -f | grep -A 0 'temp1' | cut -c14-19 | sed '/^$/d'}°F${color}
                          Core 1  : ${execi 8 sensors | grep -A 0 'Core 0' | cut -c14-19 | sed '/^$/d'}°C $alignr${execi 8 sensors -f | grep -A 0 'Core 0' | cut -c14-19 | sed '/^$/d'}°F
                          Core 2  : ${execi 8 sensors | grep -A 0 'Core 1' | cut -c14-19 | sed '/^$/d'}°C $alignr${execi 8 sensors -f | grep -A 0 'Core 1' | cut -c14-19 | sed '/^$/d'}°F
                          Core 3  : ${execi 8 sensors | grep -A 0 'Core 2' | cut -c14-19 | sed '/^$/d'}°C $alignr${execi 8 sensors -f | grep -A 0 'Core 2' | cut -c14-19 | sed '/^$/d'}°F
                          Core 4  : ${execi 8 sensors | grep -A 0 'Core 3' | cut -c14-19 | sed '/^$/d'}°C $alignr${execi 8 sensors -f | grep -A 0 'Core 3' | cut -c14-19 | sed '/^$/d'}°F
                          remove the "core 3 & core 4" lines if you only have 2

                          I dont have HD temps ,,,,,so

                          i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
                          16GB RAM
                          Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


                            O and sensors looks better if you drop the -u

                            vinny@vinny-Bonobo-Extreme:~/Pictures$ sensors -f
                            Adapter: Virtual device
                            temp1:       +123.8°F  (crit = +248.0°F)
                            Adapter: ISA adapter
                            Physical id 0: +125.6°F  (high = +183.2°F, crit = +212.0°F)
                            Core 0:        +125.6°F  (high = +183.2°F, crit = +212.0°F)
                            Core 1:        +114.8°F  (high = +183.2°F, crit = +212.0°F)
                            Core 2:        +122.0°F  (high = +183.2°F, crit = +212.0°F)
                            Core 3:        +116.6°F  (high = +183.2°F, crit = +212.0°F)

                            VINNY ........ (info freek)
                            i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
                            16GB RAM
                            Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


                              It got the info. Came out really strange. I'll have to learn more about grep, cut, and how to use sed. For the time being working on genealogy. Basically copy and paste from to my own program, export a gedcom, and import it to my website. I'll get back to this later

