Solved by installing gstreamer1.0-libav as caught by Wheel Inventor below.
Why I didn't have that lib shall remain a mystery.
Just curious if Dragon Player is not playing anything for others.
It starts fine, it shows the name of the video in the bottom of the window, but no video or sound.
Starting it in a konsole shows no errors (other than some probably innocuous ones about QPainter and mime types not related to mp4).
No errors in syslog.
Reinstall didn't help.
Moving .kde/share/config/dragonplayerrc didn't help.
Installed Kaffeine and it works.
Solved by installing gstreamer1.0-libav as caught by Wheel Inventor below.
Why I didn't have that lib shall remain a mystery.
Just curious if Dragon Player is not playing anything for others.
It starts fine, it shows the name of the video in the bottom of the window, but no video or sound.
Starting it in a konsole shows no errors (other than some probably innocuous ones about QPainter and mime types not related to mp4).
No errors in syslog.
Reinstall didn't help.
Moving .kde/share/config/dragonplayerrc didn't help.
Installed Kaffeine and it works.