I have 2 machines that can connect with eth0 and wlan0. Doing this for a regular internet connection would provide no benefit. Is there a way I can isolate the wireless connection and only use it with penetration testing software? Want to learn how to use pen test tools as it may help me with security jobs in the future. One machine is using a Netgear WNR1100 card. The other is a HP 20-b0111, not sure what it is using, but I can connect with it. Also, looking for good pentest software. I tried installing KALI. Liked the tools, did not like the setup of th OS although I understand it is based on ubuntu. Not going to hack neighbors connection (they run 30Mbps and I have 150, so there would be no point.)
Figured I take one of the routers out of the basement and hook to an old machine. Have an old XP laying around. Course, it might be easier to use vmswith win7, win8, win 10 preview, and ubuntu or other linux to test on
While unemployed, develop new skills
Figured I take one of the routers out of the basement and hook to an old machine. Have an old XP laying around. Course, it might be easier to use vmswith win7, win8, win 10 preview, and ubuntu or other linux to test on
While unemployed, develop new skills