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Last Version with NON akondai KMail? 11.10? 11.04?

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    [KDE] Last Version with NON akondai KMail? 11.10? 11.04?

    Since I am a heavy KMail user, and the newer versions of KMail2 do not fit my needs, ie: they use akonadi, nepo|baloo or what ever its nom du jour is, and thanks but NO THANKS on any of them. I gut those suckers every time.

    What was the last release 11.10? or 11.04 which had the normal KMail in the release?

    I am looking for a solution to my email program use, and putting 14.04 on my main system, and one of the paths I am pursing, I need to know which was the last release that had the real KMail in it. I am thinking 11.04 or 11.10, but just can't remember.


    NOTE: Thanks but, no thunderchicken, and pretty much any littany of other programs that have been proposed to me is of no interest. They have been weighed, measured, and found severly wanting. KMail does what I want, in the manner I like, plust I have about a decade or more worth of mail I don't want lost.


    Good luck!

    I'll only say that in terms of possibly losing any mail, you are vastly far more likely to do so playing with old software as compared to nepomuk, akonadi, baloo as those don't actually touch the email, they read and index the content separately.

    Sent from my Droid DNA using Tapatalk, like that really matters
    Last edited by claydoh; May 05, 2014, 09:51 PM.


      All one really needs to do is to UN-install Akonadai/Nepomuk and any other offensive apps.

      They rather............."glide" atop the rest of KDE....

      One then can just do the manual thing. A lot of distros do the manual thing, I've done both, and can understand the merits of both methods, it is all about choice and what one wants.

      HOWEVER...........considering the MASSIVE size of hard drives and the massive amounts of RAM memory that are now available, the "easiest" thing to do is just "not enable" or "un-tick" "un-check" the semantic desktop.........yes the "bits/bytes" will still be there not being used but what is the percentage?

      Now...........if YOU..........LIKE 16 gig hard drives that I grabbed off the beltways............. those few bytes/bits are valuable...

      but you did not post the size of your memory or hard drive.....

      but if you just want to get rid of the drek...

      Go to synaptic....and just uninstall the offending apps....the "rest" of KDE will be there.

      Last edited by woodsmoke; May 05, 2014, 11:57 PM.


        Originally posted by claydoh View Post
        Thanks... That is what I thought.

        My 10.10 box runs quite nicely, and hums along with my Kmail, with out issue.

        To those suggesting to remove this or that... Sure I will be glad to remove akonadi, et al. and if KMail2 would run in that fashion I would be fine. It does not, and thus I can't use it.

        Thanks, but this site and forum and this thread are not the spot for the debate on my views on KMail2. Outside of the fact they are not for me.


          No, my only concern was in pointing out some possible negatives in possibly attempting to run old software, perhaps coming from newer versions that might make downgrading a problem. (not having enough info to go on)

          And why is this NOT the place for debate? We don't get like youtube here, even if there is disagreement. As a place for support, we often try to point out possible side effects, caveats, etc. That is all. You are free to do whatever you want.

          Hopefully, the kdepim folks will get to making the indexing bits NOT a hard requirement anymore sooner as opposed to later.


            Yes indeed feel free to specify what you do find in Kmail and not in other mail clients.

            I've been a looong time Thunderbird user and have nearly 20 years of mail in it.
            Last year I (again) tried Kmail, the import function is a little fragile but I did get most of those old mails across.
            And then I thought Kmail was, to use your words, brain dead

            Fifteen years ago there was as strong movement, I supported it, to keep html out of mail but these days it's near unavoidable and Kmail makes a mess of most commercial stuff I receive.
            The search options are nowhere near as fast as in Thunderbird, like near instantaneous.
            I find setting up directory trees and integration of both pop and imap troublesome in Kmail.

            And lastly, I prefer to have news (usenet) in the same place.

            You are certainly not the only one who swears by Kmail so lets hear what's so great about it!

