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Kubuntu Pod Cast

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    Kubuntu Pod Cast

    Hey guys,

    I am one of the hosts at doing the Kubuntu podcast every 2 weeks, if anyone has show ideas, or comments about our show please feel free to message me or one of the other hosts.

    Re: Kubuntu Pod Cast

    Yes - a simple idea - and I don't know where else to put this thought!!
    I'm brand new to Linux. Perfectly happy with Windows - odd frustrations, but you get on with it.
    Linux - everything is so secret!!
    Today I read a post on installing a theme. So I worked out that you can type 'theme' in Adept (it's not THAT obvious). No idea what they all were but one was indeed the one recommended. Noia. So I installed it.
    Then what? Go To System/Appearance - etc etc - add theme. It asks where it is. How do I know? Searches prove futile.

    Same with setting up my HP printer - which wont work. This Kubuntu thing is wonderful, but people say 'open depositories'. My Knosole told me I was missing 7 god-knows-whats. Apparently 'install manually' meant use 'custom'.

    So my point - if you're going to tell people what to do, tell the whole story - we can't all guess our way round the system. Some of us, from Windows, want to get on with our work and not wonder and tinker like engineers.

    This is not an angry post - but an idea for your podcast (assuming it is for all of us) is to be very clear - the forums are full of frustrations easily answered if exact steps were given.

    OK - back to finding out where this theme is....Cheers!


      Re: Kubuntu Pod Cast

      Though I don't listen to podcasts for the same reason I don't watch serious TV (no reading involved, and reading is knowledge), I think you should point out some good apps for Kubuntu. Also, this is a neat thing that I'm POSITIVE your listeners will love:
      <br /><br />*temp. hiatus from forums due to comp + net broken* :&#039;(

