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Changing the souce code.

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    Changing the souce code.

    Is it possible to add a default password to ALL of your folders by adding code to the Source Code?, if yes, how?

    Thanks in advance,


    Re: Changing the souce code.

    Two answers and a question. I think that the quick answer is no. The slightly longer answer, you can probably accomplish what you want to do with the permission system. The question is: exaclty what are you trying to do?


      Re: Changing the souce code.

      Well i want to put a password on a folder but i didnt know a way to do this, so i thought why not put a default password on all folders, but how can you put a password on 1 folder then?, programms or??

      Thanks in advance,



        Re: Changing the souce code.

        If all you're trying to do is to restrict access to the folder to yourself alone simply change the permissions so that only you can see it read, write or traverse it. From a konsole:
        cd /parent/of/mysecretfolder/  <--- change to the parent directory
        chmod 700 ./mysecretfolder  <--- make the folder accessible only to you
        or if you want the in-crowd to have access to the folder
        sudo groupadd incrowd  <--- create the group
        sudo nano /etc/group <--- edit the group file (see below)
        cd ... <--- as above
        chown ./mysecretfolder 770  <---- now all members of the group incrowd can use the folder
        In nano go to the line starting with "incrowd" and add the usernames of the members at the end, separated by commas (remember that the mouse doesn't work in nano. That gets me every time.)

        I think that this does what you need without making up any new passwords for people to write down or forget.


          Re: Changing the souce code.

          The 'proper' way to do it would be to create and encrypted filesystem in a file, then mount it as a loop device to a folder with a password. That would be for proper security, not just stopping yer mates finding yer pr0n.

          It sounds quite difficult, but once the setup is done it's fairly simple.
          Parts 12 onward of section 3 should get you going


            Re: Changing the souce code.

            Well, will those just ask for a password?,
            because i only want linux to ask for a password when i try to open the folder, nothing more:P?

