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How do I connect to IRC?

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    How do I connect to IRC?

    Ok... this is a bit embarrassing.

    I'm a newbie when it comes to IRC. How do I do that? What do I need to do?

    Last experience I had with IRC was with mIRC back in 2001. I have completely forgotten that, so I'm starting from scratch.

    I want to be read for the big class tonight:

    It says that the chatroom is #ubuntu-classroom, server is and port is 8001.

    Instructions in Kopete, Gaim, or Konversation would be great!

    Jucato's Data Core

    Re: How do I connect to IRC?

    Heh, it's actually really easy to get working. I use Konversation for IRC.

    First you connect to a certain server, then to a certain channel. When you first start Konversation, the server is the only one listed. You can edit the server to auto join certain channels when you connect to it, this is really usefull once you decide to always enter a certain channel on that server. But for now just press connect to connect the server. Then go to file->quick connect->and type in #kubuntu for server host. You've just joined the kubuntu channel. Want to enter the ubuntu channel? Do the same thing, file->quick connect->#ubuntu . All channels start with "#" so remember the #.

    Well those are the basics, you might not need to open ports to use IRC, but it'll be more responsive if you do.


      Re: How do I connect to IRC?

      That easy? Oooh thanks!

      I vaguely have some memories of things like nickserv, which I have forgotten. Is there a need to register a user name, or something similar?

      Btw, is there a difference between and

      EDIT: One more question:

      Is it preferable to use Konversation or Kopete for IRC? Just your opinion.

      EDIT-EDIT: nevermind,chose to go with kopete.
      Jucato's Data Core


        Re: How do I connect to IRC?

        Originally posted by Jucato
        I vaguely have some memories of things like nickserv, which I have forgotten. Is there a need to register a user name, or something similar?
        Check this about registering your nick and identifying yourself (the 'things like nickserv' -stuff )


          Re: How do I connect to IRC?

          Thanks! just registered my nick
          Jucato's Data Core


            Re: How do I connect to IRC?

            while I prefer Konversation, Xchat is more popular, and either kopete or gaim work just fine, so (as ususal ) try em all, find out what you like

