3 x 20GB partitions for multiple parallel installs does sound interesting; I take it the idea for that is e.g. 12.04 on one partition, then when 12.10 is released I put that on the 2nd, then 13.04 on the third, then wipe the 1st and put 13.10 on it when that is released, and so forth. Or am I way off base there?
Personally, I use my 3 this way: One "Main" install, one backup of the main install, one for testing (other installs, filesystems, or whatever). I wipe my testing install to do a new upgrade install when it's time to do that.
If you keep a separate /home for your main install, you could leave /home within the other two to prevent accidently messing up your main install. You could then symlink from the other /home(s) to the main /home for any data folders you want access to; like Documents, Music, whatever.
The way I would setup this computer (but I'm not your Mom, so do it the way you want and my feelings won't be hurt );
/dev/sda1 60GB Win7
/dev/sda2 8GB linux-swap
/dev/sda3 26GB main install
/dev/sda4 26GB testing install
/dev/sdb1 100GB Windows expansion
/dev/sdb2 26GB backup install
/dev/sdb3 504GB media (or /home)
/dev/sdb4 120GB SSD image (backup)